27 - Truth

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Lara's POV

The sun wakes me up. I feel arms around me and pull myself closer. I turn over towards Monty. He's already awake. He just looks at me. There is a sadness in his eyes.

"I know your angry at me. Fuck I can feel it pulsing through your veins. I'm angry at me too. I should've never went there. Babe what's happening to us ?"

He turns onto his back. Stares at the roof. "Everything is so fucked up Lara." I push myself onto one elbow. "We need to talk with one another. How about we skip school today? I need some clean clothes and then we go to our spot."

He turns back to me. He nods his head. That makes me smile. Progress. Finally. I jump up and get out of his T shirt. Dress into my clothes from last night.

We sneak back out his window. Afraid to run into his dad. When we got home I climbed up to mult window. Not knowing if my parents are home.

Lara's Thursday outfit 🧀

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Lara's Thursday outfit 🧀

As we pull away I put one hand on his thigh. I let the wind blow in my hair. When we arrived at our place. We got some beer out and made ourselves comfortable on his hood.

I felt like I had more to make up for so I started first. "Someone is threatening me. I don't know who but the left this in my locker yesterday." I gave him the box with the note.

He opens it and reads over it. He reads it over and throws it down on the ground. He's fucking pissed off right now. He gets up. I want to follow but he starts to beat the shit out of the side of his Jeep.

"BABE ! Baby.. please stop. Your hurting yourself. Please." I went to grab him but he shrugs me off. I grab his bicep. Pulling him into me. "This is not your fault. Stop blaming yourself."

I pull him into me. He breaks down. Wrapping his arms around my waist. He starts crying in my neck. Something is seriously wrong. I start to whisper in his ear.

"Babe, I promised to fight for you no matter what. I'm going to keep that promise. I swear. I fucking love you. Talk to me !" He pulls away from me. Walking around the Jeep.

Whipping his tears away. "If I tell you. You'll leave me. Like everyone other fucking person I care about. You'll leave. So maybe Peter is your safe option. Yeah I think you should be with him."

Tears are building up in my eyes. He looks so determined with the fact that I'll leave him. "No. No fucking way. If this is you breaking up with me. I'm sorry I'm not taking it. Fuck you for doing this."

He hits the side of his Jeep again. "Fuck Lara. Just fucking leave me. Go be with the good guy. Your fucking your life up with me. I'm done. We're done."

I step forward but he steps back. He looks at me and I feel the tears pouring out of my eyes. "If you think swearing and yelling is going to get me to leave you. Your fucking wrong. We are NOT done. This is not the end. I fucking refuse it to be."

I walk up to him. Looking him dead in the eye. He looks at me. With hurt. I see that this is killing him. "Babe talk to me. Don't do this. I'm not fucking leaving. I don't care how much you push me away. I'm not leaving. Not now not ever."

He turns away from me. The silence is killing me. I hate this. I fucking hate this. Fuck you Hannah Baker.

"I made a deal with Bryce." His voice is soft. I can barely hear it. He puts both his hands on his Jeep. "I protect Bryce and he and James keep their hands off you."

I didn't know this. He is being Bryce to protcet me. To protect me from ... rape ? His hands are placed on his Jeeps hood.

"I'm the one threatening everyone. I'm guessing James started to threat you too. To show me they are in control."

I feel my chest closing. My breathing getting harder. "He raped Jessica ? He raped Hannah ? You knew ?" He looks at me again. Tears running done his cheeks.

Falling on the the hood of his Jeep. "Yeah I did. He told me that your next if I don't help him cover this up." Everything is spinning right now.

I place a hand on his hood to support myself. "I told you I'm fucking bad. You can leave now." I take a moment.

Bryce raped Hannah. Bryce raped Jessica. All those bruises on Chloe. Are they there because the are rough ? Monty and I are rough but he doesn't leave that kind of bruises.

He raped my friends. He wanted to rape me. I turn to look at Monty. He's not looking at me. All he ever wanted was to protect me.

I walk up to him. Placing my hand on his forearm. Turning him to look at me. "Monty please look at me. Please." He turns my way and looks down.

I pull him done and kiss him. Softly not like our other times. "I'm not leaving you. Your not the bad guy here. Your trying to protect me. Like always. Fuck you've been protecting me this whole fucking time."

He turns away again. Slams his fist against the hood. "Yeah but in the process I let Jessica suffer." I pull him back to me. Wrapping my arms around his neck.

"You are a good guy. You just sometimes make the wrong choices." He looks at me. Grabs my waist and kiss me. Hard. His hands go down to my ass. Picking me up. Putting me down on his hood.

The movement 🤭

"We. You can still help Jessica tell her story. I love you." He nods his head and kiss me again. It's a desperate kiss. Hungry kiss. Like he tries to prove something. "You didn't leave me. You didn't fucking leave me."

He sounds shocked and happy. Really happy. I place both hands on his face. "I made a promise and I keep my promises de la Cruz."

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