03 - Tyler Down

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Tyler's POV

My voice starts to crack so I clear my throat. The lawyer nod her head slowly. "Okay and then what did you do with the pictures?"

This is getting ridiculous. Nothing of this has anything to do with Hannah. "I printed them out and put them in the two people's lockers. Also one on the school notice board."

I remember that day. It was a week before Hannah showed up at our school. "What happened then ? Where there any rumors about the two students ? Any teasing or slutshaming for the girl ?"

Now I know why the brought up the pictures. They wanted the jury to know that a picture can't ruin your life. "Nothing happened except me getting the shit beat out of me from the guy. There was no rumors and no slutshaming."

Now I felt really bad. Mrs Baker head fell slowly while her lawyer look defeated too. "But that wasn't the case with Hannah okay. With Hannah she did get slutshamed. There was alot of rumors."

It didn't look as if the jury believed me. The looked at me with a blank expression on their face. "Can you state the names of the two students in your sex pictures ?"

I know that I have to say why there was no rumors or slutshaming about them. "Yeah. Lara Hastings and Montgomery de la Cruz. The IT couple of Liberty High. Why would anyone go against their favorite couple ?"

The lawyer turned around and sat down. This really didn't look good. We were taking a break. My parents came to me. Mom pulled me into a embrace. "It's okay to be scared honey." I just nodded.

This is a fucking crappy day. Back in the court room it was luckily the Baker's lawyer. "You said the couple was popular? Can you explain that theory?"

This was pretty easy. I could tell them all the shit they put me through. "Yeah they walk the halls like they own the place. That's why I took the pictures but nobody would dare say something about that because Montgomery would kick their ass. That's what he does. He bullies people into his will and Lara stands and watch. She'll always say she has nothing to do with her boyfriend beating everyone up but that's the point. She does nothing to stop it"

The lawyer smiled and went to sit down again. The schools lawyer took a few steps. "Tyler won't you say Hannah liked the attention the pictures gave her ?" That question doesn't make sense so I don't know how to answer it. "Sorry I'll reverse. You took other pictures of Hannah too in a photoshoot. She liked those pictures because it gave attention so what is different from the picture you send around ?"

Damn this is so not helping Hannah at all. How did all this manage to get fucked up. "I wanted Hannah to know she was beautiful after the picture Justin Foley send to everyone in school. So I printed out the most beautiful photos of her and went to her house to give it to her."

"When I got there she was with another guy. I got shy and hid in the bushes outside her window. Once she was inside I looked back at her. I couldn't understand what she was doing so I used my camera to see better."

The lawyer stepped up to me. Her face a few inches from mine. I feel my forehead sweating. My hands are shaking. I want to help Hannah not destroy her futher.

"What did you see Tyler?" I whip the sweat from my forehead away. "She was not only texting, she was sexting some guy. I was confused because she was showing herself off to someone even after a really embarrassing photo was leaked."

The lawyer looked very pleased with my answer. She stepped back. "So Hannah was opening herself up for a reaction?" I shook my head trying to find the right words. "No, no she didn't. The wrong story was told with Justin's picture."

The lawyer stepped forwars again. "Tyler did you ever think that maybe there were no rumors about the couple's pictures because they never opened themselves up to it like Hannah did ? Are you in no way responsible for what happens to you at school?"

My mouth is completely dry. I have no words to say. "I have no further questions your honor." The Baker's lawyer stood up. "No further questions your honor." That meant I could go. I could leave.

I rushed out of court. I'm so fucking screwed.

Lara's POV

Clay rushes in through the doors and bumps into me. "Shit sorry Lara." I help him pick up his books. "You were at court this morning?" He nod his head. I start to walk with him.

"You should know that they asked about the picture of you and Montgomery. They asked alot of questions about it." My blood runs cold. Tyler fucking Down. Leaning against Clay's locker. I have no words to say.

"Fuck. I thought I could put that behind me." Clay looks at me with a raised eyebrow. Slams his locker shut. "It was never a problem for you. No one slutshamed you. No one started rumors about your rough/kinky sex life whatever it is. Hannah never got to put that behind her."

I knew I should've kept my mouth shut. This shit would make him snap. I turn towards him. "Sorry Clay. Really I am. How's Skye doing?" He looks back at me and signs. "She wants to have sex. But I've never done it. So I'm fucking nervous."

I giggle slightly. Puts a sympathetic hand on his shoulder. "You'll figure it out buddy. Just go with the flow. She is a great girl and I'm glad you have her to take your mind of Hannah. I gotta go now." Before I could walk away he grabs my hand.

"Why are you still hanging with Bryce?" I roll my eyes. We've had this argument a few times this last month. "You don't know the whole story Clay. Just what Hannah said." I wanted to walk away but he stopped me.

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