09 - Jessica Davis

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Jessica's POV

"Fuck, Alex, someone is really out to get us." I fold the target he gave me to look at. I gave it back to him. He stares at me. "So you are not alone in this."

Guilt washes over me. I was a bitch to him yesterday. "Sorry I said that shit it's just that this fucking trail is messing with my head. It's already pretty messed up all on its own."

He gave me a sympathetic smile. He looks past me and I see the smile disappear. I look to my left and see Lara and Scott walking into the cafeteria. Scott makes a hand gesture towards Alex and Lara looks at me. We hold eye contact for a while but break it when they arrived at their table.

"Montgomery is not going to like the fact that his girl walked in with another guy." I feel sorry for her. She thinks she is doing the right thing. She is probably just with the wrong people.

"Fuck what happened to your face ?" Clay sits down next to Alex. Alex looks him up and down. "Someone tried to ran me off the road last night. Someone in what might look like a black Range Rover."

What the fuck is going on. First the sex doll on my porch with the note in my locker. Alex receiving a target in the mail and Clay being ran off the road.

"There coming after all of us. This came for me in the mail last night." Alex pushes the target over to Clay. "Why you I don't know. Your not even testifying ?" Clay looks up at me.

He looks scared but fearless at the same time. "Does he know that ?" Alex turns to look at the table behind us. Zach sits next to Bryce. Montgomery pulled Lara into his chest so she sits with her back towards him. A hand resting on her thigh. Scott sits next to her.

"Are we even sure it's him?" Bryce looks over to us and that cause Montgomery to look too. Lara was busy talking with Zach when he grabbed her chin and gave her a deep kiss. Like he's trying to show us she's his.

"What if it's Lara or Zach ?" I turn towards him. "That's crazy, Zach has been helping you with everything and Lara seems sincere with her actions."

Alex almost chokes on his juice. "Sincere with her actions. Jess she is hanging out with your rapist ? How is that sincere?" I doesn't matter what he says. I know Lara. She just doesn't know the truth yet or she is afaird it'll cost her, her relationship.

I feel stares on me so I turn and look at the boys infront of me. "Why are you staring at me like that ?" I see Lara getting up giving Montgomery a kiss and he slaps her ass as she walks away. "Mostly because you sit across from us."

Great timing for sarcasm Alex. "If you tell the truth about what happened then all this threats stops. They are doing it to protect Bryce. If you tell the truth there is no protecting him anymore.'" This angers me. Why do they think its so easy to just come forward.

"You think this is easy ?" Clay leans forward and tries again. "No in no fucking universe do I think it's easy but the truth would set you free." I can't listen to this anymore.  "The truth doesn't heal all wounds Clay."

I grab my bag ignoring their calls for me. I don't want to be late for first period. As I walk closer to the class I hear screaming. "Who the fuck did this !" I enter the classroom and find Lara at the board ripping off pictures.

The students moved away from the angry blonde. I saw a glimpse of the picture with the word slut on it. It was a picture of me grinning into Justin at the winter formal last year.

Lara spins around with the pictures crumbled in her hands. She is shaking with anger. She locks eyes with me. "Jess..."

I put my hand up and take the pictures from her hands.


Tears were flowing over my cheeks. I looked at her again. Her anger disappeared. She steps closer but I storm off into the hall. There I bumped into a girl. It's Nina Jones. The girl that I see looking at me every cheer practice.

"Are you okay ?" She has a look of concern on her face. I look back and see Lara standing in the doorway. "Are you following me ? Leave me the fuck alone."

I push past her and ran to the bathroom. Who the fuck is doing this ? I know it's not Lara. She wouldn't have made such a scene if it was her handy work.

Alex is so pissed at her but I also know that if she ever came and talk to him. He'll forgive her in a heart beat. He is so deeply in love with her.

He could never compete with Montgomery though. It's like she saw a different Monty then the rest of the world. She can control him and he can control her. Some people would call that a toxic relationship.

My Way To You [2] 🍀Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin