My gaze harden as I emotionlessly stare at the window just across from us with my jaw clenching as I felt his head shake

"You're right, I do know" I hummed my fingers halting the movements on his skin

"Then why—"

"But you're forgetting one thing... you lied to me too"

He stayed silent and I felt him tense, tugging his nape a hint for him to lift his head up and to look at my emotionless eyes as I carefully assesed his features

Confusion, Hesitation, Suspiscion and Nervousness danced on his fake dark blue irises

"Matthew.. Anderson"


"Are you sure Zai?"

I rolled my eyes at his disbelieving ones before raising a fist in an attempt to punch his incredibly ugly face

"Did someone ever tell you not to be violent to an injured person?!" He scowld as his hand shakes against my clenched fist that he managed to block

"Quite the opposite actually" I seethed frustratingly at his now smirking face "take this shit seriously damnit!"

"So you're telling me that this Matthew guy that I mistook for your boyfriend and had a huge argument about then almost murdered me when I said—"

"Yes yes its that Matthew, what the fuck is wrong with you?"

"Chill. Just making sure we're on the same page its the President's other son we're talking about"

After the argument I had with Matthew at the hospital building  earlier when I said his name along with his real surname  he kind of shove my arms off of him with hooded eyes and jaw clench in anger before stalking away from me. In which I let him do so with a blank face

And here I am talking to my shirtless idiot of a partner who layed lazily on a hospital bed eating a bowl of grapes and oranges that I begrudgingly bought for his useless self as I tell him what I've been hiding ever since I saw Matthew and found out about his identity

"I want to meet him" he muttered with a far look on his blue eyes

I stared at him suspisciously "why"

He gave me an amused smirk before chewing a green grape very dramatically slow making me roll my eyes at his knowing look

"What?" I snap throwing a handful of grapes at him

"Hey! Don't you dare touch my fruits with that unhygienic hands of yours" he scowled gritting my teeth I clamp a hand on his hairy leg "I just want to meet him okay!" He screeched quickly waving his hands around

Sighing I drop my head on his leg after covering it with the blanket with an angry frown

"I don't think he'd like that idea." I muttered before raising my head to steal an orange from his bowl ignoring his glare "he's kind of mad at me for knowing about it"

"Of course... his real surname was an indication that the man he dispises, the man that abandoned him is his own flesh and blood no matter how he change his name and appearance" he grumbled looking down at his fruits absentmindedly squishing grapes as he distract himself from his past

I stayed silent watching as he stared blankly at the bowl before sighing giving me a bittersweet smile

"So you think that CIA agent is not only spying but is also guarding Matthew?" I nodded leaning back on my chair with my arms crossing against my chest as I raised my legs laying it on top of his "it made sense" he shrugged

"Yes... Dave Stuart" I handed him the white file I had on my book bag "or should I say agent Darwin Brown"

I watch as he began to scan and flip the folder as his eyes lit up in mischief and surprise

"CIA spy secret agent, one of the high ranked... impressive" he mused his lips tilting up in a smirk "single, experienced, and not to mention a very muscular, smokingly hot guy with dark and mysterious green eyes... much more impressive"

I scrunch my face up in disgust as he wiggle his eyebrows in interest at a specific page more likely to the page where his overall identification is indicated

Snatching the file from his hold I ignored his yelp and wailing hands of protest 

"You disgusting— no such thing is even written in here" I scowled as I scan the page of him being a virgin and smokingly hot and shit except for his picture which is only from the neck and only above

Huffing I wave the file at his face as he stared at me blankly

"He's a douchebag which is displeasing to the naked eye—"

He snatch the folder from my hands turning to the side in an attempt to put it away from me as he opened the file again

"But a physique which is pleasing to a very naked me—"

"My goodness stop for the sake of everything holy" I scramble to reach out for the file as he laughed pointing out my height

"He's a piece of shit—"

"He's a sexy piece of meat—"

"You are such a dick diprived person!"

"And you're a virgin bitch who need to get laid!"

"Excuse you I am no—"

"Excuse me" a knock sounded from the now opened door by a middle aged woman as she stared at us in horror as if questioning our sanity

"You are very much excused doc"

The Agent's PriorityDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora