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~In Police Precinct~

"Please sir let me call one time to my friend please I'm telling you the truth about everything," Kiara said while crying

"Just wait for your turn Miss we'll get back to you when your chance will come" the police officer replied

Kiara was feeling all alone and was crying constantly not knowing what to do in such situations. They even took away her phone so she can't even call and inform anyone about the situation.

"Miss Kiara..please come here" one of the police officer shouted

She stood up and walk up to the police officer

"Please sit down," the officer asked "As you're a foreigner here so I'll take your case as I'm in charge of the foreign criminology department of this precinct "

"Wha--what criminology what are you are saying I haven't done anything wrong" Kiara shouted

"Please lower your volume Miss this is a police station" office said furiously

"But I don't even know why I'm here" Kiara was crying constantly

"Please stop crying first and explain to me everything," Officer asked

Kiara calmed herself down and explained everything to the officer

"I promise that whatever I'm saying is all true and you can confirm with airlines," Kiara said

"Sure Miss we have to confirm first then we can proceed with your case as you've broken the law to walk on the street without Visa" the officer replied

"But I had my reason and I'm sorry that I didn't notice that I was out of the hotel please help me I'm telling truth," Kiara said

"Calm down Miss we have to confirm everything so please note down airlines details and if you've any belonging with you then keep that in this box" the office replied

"I've told you already officer I don't have anything with me except my phone which you've already taken away from me" Kiara replied

"Sure please note down details on this pad" While Kiara was noting down information, that officer got up and asked for lady officer

"Can you please check her to find anything that she's possessing?" he asked the lady officer

"Aah sure," the lady officer replied. Then she went to Kiara and asked "Ma'am can you please come with me I need to check your clothes"

"But I'm am not carrying anything with me"

"Please cooperate mam this is the procedure which needs to be followed" the lady officer replied

Kiara didn't know what to do so she followed the lady officer and get herself checked by her. Whilst she was checking her lady officer found some piece of papers in her pocket and took out to keep in the box.

"Everything is clear now. You can come with me" the lady officer said

Kiara followed her again to the foriegn department

"Sir I've found some piece of papers in her pocket" lady officer said to her senior

"Aah Ne keep it here" he replied

"So Miss Kiara we've asked about your case with airlines and they have confirmed your case but they said they can come in the morning only due to legal complications so you've to wait here till morning" the officer replied

"Wha-what if you're saying that everything is confirmed then why I can't go now," Kiara asked

"Because we need to follow some procedures" the officer replied

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