Chapter thirty-nine

Start from the beginning

"Even though I see you every single day, I know that won't last forever," he whispered.

"I'm only one call away," I shuffled his hair, as we pulled away.

"And 8,875 kilometers away," he frowned.

"You did some research!" I laughed.

"Of course," he nodded. "Come in, stupid me."

We entered their house, and nothing had changed. The smell of Eleanor's cook flew into my nostrils, and I smiled as I saw Tyler stand in front of the tv with his seven months daughter. He had a baby before he got married which made Joey and Eleanor mad, what made them both madder, is that the mother of the baby left her alone with Tyler, and refused to take care of her, because when she got pregnant, she wanted an abortion, but Tyler being a good guy; he refused and accepted to be a single father to his baby.

I walked to him, and took the baby from him, and half hugged him because I was holding her. Her name's Addison, and she was the cutest baby ever. "I'm going to miss her the most."

"I've known you my whole life, and you're going to miss her the most?" He gasped.

"I'm addicted to her, I'm sorry," I awed.

"You've arrived!" Eleanor's squealing interrupted us, I turned around and saw how tired she looked.

"Ellie," I groaned. "I told you to call me before you start cooking."

"You're moving tomorrow, we can't weaken you," she hugged me.

"I don't mind," I grinned at her. Standing behind her was Chase, he had a sad smile on his face.

"Scar," he walked over to me, and he cupped my cheeks. "I know we've broken up last night, because of you moving and all, but I have to kiss you."

"Baby present, BABY PRESENT!" Tyler grabbed the baby from me, and ran to the kitchen.

We all laughed, I rolled my eyes at Tyler. I looked at Chase, and placed my hands on his. "But that would make things harder, Chase."

"Weren't you the one who told me that if we ever broke up it'd be because of me?" He asked.

"I know, but-"

"I'm sure that everything that was good has to come to an end, and I know that it might be hard to still be friends when you move away, it's impossible," he said, removing his hands from my cheeks. "Just know that it's not my fault that we're not together anymore, remember that you're the one that left me first, we had the whole world in our hands... when you leave, just know that you're dead to me, and you'd be my worst memory."

My eyes widened at his words, "Chase."

"After what you did to me, you wasted my time," he backed up, tears filling his eyes. "It's funny because you were the one who was scared, you were the one who didn't want us to break up. I'm happy that you're leaving us, and I won't miss you at all. You literally wasted my fucking time, you were never in love with, were you? You didn't love me as much as I loved you, right? You took advantage of how much I loved you, I should've known."

I gasped, "what are you doing? Where are you going with this? Chase, I love you so much, but you and I know that this is not going to work when I'm five thousand miles away from you. I thought you were okay with this, I don't understand your mood swings, I really don't."

"That just proves my point," he shrugged.

I watched him as he ran back to his room, I didn't know how to react, honestly.

"Scar, you know how Chase is, it's because you're moving, and he doesn't want to love you that much when you're away," Leo spoke, I didn't even know he was here. "He didn't want to feel as if he was stuck, just how he broke up with you when he went to visit Cameron, he'll come around again, I promise."

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