Chapter 18

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The kitchen bustled even in the cold and early day.

The three of them had arrived and Marcus went with Raven. If he were to go back to the barracks, there would be a lot of questions.

Scent of fresh-baked bread came out from the oven while bakers and cooks alike were too busy to realize that a high-ranked wolf had entered the room. The heat warmed her skin and she saw over a dozen plates placed on top of the counters, each with different cuisines and gourmet to choose from. 

Mary would be delighted if she were to own a kitchen as big as this.

Gavin lead the way as Marcus and Raven walked beside one another.

"You there!" A knight boomed and it sounded like he held authority. They turned to see him striding in a furious pace towards Marcus.

Raven straightened her back and stepped in front of her companion, her stance intimidating. "Is there a problem, sire?"

The knight raised an eyebrow, looking at her attire. Maybe she had made the right decision to wear a plain tunic than a dress since people had heard of her personality. Raven was the same person that entered their welcoming feast in an armor, after all. 

"The two of you shouldn't be here, it is strictly for staff and Royal pack members only."

"My word!" Raven put a hand over her chest dramatically. "Is this how you treat guests of the palace? I'll have you beheaded if I have anything to do with it."

"Madame, you have-"

"It's Lady Flarring to you, knight." She snapped, cutting him off. A look of recognition crosses his face. "And knight Marcus, who I remind you is from my pack, is simply here to guard me."

"The duchess of the Depth Castle, was looking something to eat, sire. I do not have authority to defy her orders." Marcus bowed, some people stopped and turned to their direction. Raven glared at the man and had her arms crossed.

"Milady, I'm afraid I didn't recognized you sooner, how about I express my sincere apologies by sending your breakfast to the guest room?" The knight showed his neck in submission and gulped, Raven could smell a tad of fear from him.

"I can work with that arrangement but I would love to have breakfast at the garden with these two gentlemen to accompany me, if you please." Raven bargained and he nodded.

"Would that be all?" He asked, anxiously.

"Yes and I'll be taking a walk there while you prepare, do summon us. Since you ruined my morning, I want to calm my nerves." She gave him another threatening look and nodded to Marcus, they exited the kitchen and lead the way to the garden.

"That reminded me of the man you fought with at the marketplace." Marcus spoke, snickering.

"Those were good times." She said. "I wonder how the woman is doing though, she is an interesting person. Maybe I'll come find her after this is over."

"That would take years, considering the whole population of werewolves." Marcus said and Raven hummed when they arrived at the garden of the Castle.

"Well, we'll worry about that later. Something rather exciting is coming soon." She said and her companion raised an eyebrow, Raven grinned in response.

The garden is the same when she arrived not a long time ago, stone pavements lined up to a gazebo. The air was cold since dawn haven't arrived, but they were sure that the wind would be soothing by the angle of where it was built. 

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