Chapter 6

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Raven patted where her dagger was hidden in her clothes. 

Thankfully, the rogues didn't do a body check. Maybe they didn't expect someone to carry a weapon when none of them pulled one as they had faced the Rogue King's army of savage beasts.

She pulled it out and clutched the handle tightly. They were caged, surrounded by bars of silver. Raven went near and tore pieces of clothing, wrapping her arms.

"Raven, you're going to get hurt." Nixon warned.

"Relax. Just trust me, it shouldn't hurt more than a wolf's bite." She gave him a grin and didn't give room for an argument, ignoring her mate. Raven quickly slip her arms through the silver before Nixon got the chance to pull her. 

She felt her skin burn. As Raven tried to make less noise as possible, she picked the lock. The pain was searing, she bit her lip and tasted the metallic blood, it kept her from screaming.

Sweat dripped from her forehead.

"Don't think about pulling me back." She gritted through her teeth just when her mate had stood up.

"I'll not." He said and helped her by holding the lock, his own skin burnt but soon, utter relief filled Raven when she managed to open the cage, a creak following.

He caught her waist before she could fall to the ground. "What were you thinking?"

"I'm fine." She panted, hissing from the burn. "We'll talk about this later before they wake up."

They began their escape through the dark forest. Rogues were sleeping around the carriage, the two could only wish that they hadn't caught their scent, but she doubted they could track it. Because of the rain, their bodies had been covered from head to toe with dirt, too much for Raven's comfort.

String of curses escaped her lips when she stumbled, not in the condition to exert more energy. Nixon carried her, much to the protests. "Put me down."

"You're too pale, just trust me." Nixon echoed her own words and maybe it was fatigue but she stopped thrashing about but she can't forget that he was injured as well.

"Where would we go?" She asked him as soon as they reached a considerate distance and Nixon started dashing through the forest, the tingles were light because both of their wolves were dormant. The mate bond was faint but it didn't stop them from feeling it.

"Anywhere but here." He replied, his eyes never leaving the path. "Sleep, you need to rest and recover."

"I plan on it, walking is rather bothersome." Raven snickered, snuggling further to his chest.

When she woke up, it was rather surprising to see herself snuggled to a large ball of gray fur, Nixon. The rain outside was heavily pouring. The fire had long gone out, she noticed that her arms were properly bandaged by another set of fabric, not that she wanted to know how much damage the silver had caused to her skin.

Raven stood up and squinted at the dark in hopes to find dry wood to keep them warm but when she realized how big the room was, it finally dawned on her that this was the place she had called home.

The vines crept through the cracks of the wall, it was full of large holes and looked burnt . Broken glass had littered the floors. Whatever paintings that hung the walls were now ripped. The ceiling dripped of water and she could see moss forming.

Sighing, she clutched her heart and proceeded to look around, collecting whatever items capable to burn. Raven went deeper and begin to feel the memories flooding back to her, but left only a bitter taste on her mouth.

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