Chapter 2

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Raven took a deep breath in and sighed when her pack members started to climb down from the boat, wishing that Mary is still safe in the confines of the Noble pack.

Since werewolves seldom fall ill, finding the cure is near impossible. The treatment that Alpha Duke James offered was only exclusive to high-ranked wolves.

The title of the highest-ranked dame didn't reached the expectations of receiving that kind of privilege. Then again, Raven only thought of it as the opportunity to save Mary.

The woman had sacrificed so much and lost her mate just to save Raven from the greedy hands of her enemies.

The battle at that time was so brutal and bloody, it had caused the downfall of the pack they once called home. With the help of a pack member whom Mary's mate was related to, they were able to become part of Noble pack.

If they hadn't, they wouldn't have no choice but to become rogues.

Rogues are said to be vicious wolves, either kicked out from their packs for the reason of committing a crime or were only born and then forced to a life of poverty and so-called shame.

These wolves are often titled to experiencing lonely deaths after wandering around aimlessly or trespassing a pack. The pain and darkness of the humans' halves consumes them until they become broken.

Raven had been glad to work as a maid alongside Mary after their escape, she taught her everything she needed and acted as her mother figure. They had to change identities and took on the family name of Flarring.

The day Alpha Duke James announced that Raven is a candidate for a rank, Mary had defended her against the pack members who wants to hold her down.

To claim such a title brings great honor and privilege. Although it doesn't match that of an Alpha or Beta, it still holds authority and power to very much command a whole pack of wolves under her watch.

What baffles her is the Alpha Duke's decision, why in the hell would he choose a young, naive, and pain in the ass orphan over the pack members who were fed with a silver spoon and trained to claim a prestigious title?

Not only that, Raven could've plotted the downfall of his own pack.

She didn't turn down the offer because she had a reason to fight for the pack, Mary.

Raven would've gone through every trial to protect her and give it everything she has, the money that came with accepting the rank was another temptation. But with this opportunity, she had to do it on her own terms.

"That crazy old man." Raven scoffed and climbed down, badly enough, she wanted to feel the sand underneath her toes and maybe enjoy the coastal view but wasn't able to because of the shoes she wore.

"Dame Raven Flarring of Depth Castle, I see you've arrived."

She turned her head to see a mob of copper hair, with a white streak. They rode in separate boats. Among the dames and knights, both of them held the highest authority.

"Knight Marcus Roderick of House Roderick." She nodded his way in acknowledgement. While Depth Castle is the household of the Alpha Duke, Marcus belonged to a gentle viscount's home.

"Do you need any help? I hope the sea didn't mind you."

Due to the enhanced senses of a werewolf, most of them are sensitive to strong smells and noises. The creek of the boat last night nor the scent of saltwater didn't mind her but the thumping footsteps and the unpleasant smell of vomit did.

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