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Miguel's POV

I couldn't believe what my uncle, aunt and Trisha had done to my cousin. The only thing he ever wanted was to find his mate and live happily with her only to be taken away because of him getting hurt during a rogue attack. If only I had known that Lupe was his mate I would have taken her to him so he could have recovered faster but I didn't know, not until a few months later when he got his memory back and he went to my office and asked if a Lupe Sanchez worked for me and when I said she was my secretary but she had quit her job and I didn't know where she was he ran out of the office with me hot on his tail. On the way to her house he told me that she was his mate and that the day that he got hit he had left her at a hotel room with a note and his phone number, we got to her house but it had a for sale sign on the lawn which wasn't a good sign at all.

I had made my mind up and decided that I was going to go talk to Lupe myself and tell her everything that had happened as well as tell her the truth about Trisha, I was going to do everything to get my cousin back with his mate and children. He was like my brother and we were always there for one another but today was my turn to help him out even though he didn't ask for it, I got up earlier than ever and went to her house but waited in my rental car until I saw Maria and her mate leave with the kids who looked just like Zeus in the daylight. After they left I pulled into their driveway and got out of her car with the envelope where I had placed the pictures I had taken of Zeus while he was in the hospital, I also placed her last paycheck that I was never able to give her all those years ago, when I was in front of the door I knocked three times and waited for Lupe to open the door.

"Mr. De La Vega what are you doing here" Lupe asked

"Can I come in" I asked

"Sure come in please, what do I owe this visit from my old boss" she asked

"Well I came to talk to you" I said

"About what" she asked

When we were in the living room she sat on one sofa while I sat on the other, I then placed the envelope on the table in front of her.

"What is it" she asked

"Open it" I said

"What is it" she asked

"Those are the pictures of when Zeus was in the hospital in coma after he left the hotel room" I said

"What happened to him" she asked

"There was a rogue attack and he was hit hard in the head putting him in coma for one month, when he woke up he didn't remember anything until he heard Jordan and Felipe talking about you" I said

"Ever after that he has been looking for you Lupe, he really loves you and wants to be with you and the twins who I assume are his" I added

"Yeah he is their father, anyways why was he looking for me when he was already mated with Trisha" she asked

"Trisha isn't his mate, hell she wishes that she was but she isn't" I said

"But he did find his mate" she asked

"Yes, can I ask you a question" I asked

"Do you remember what I told you about werewolves and their mates" I asked

"Yeah" she said

"And what did I tell you when it comes to a werewolf getting someone pregnant" I asked

"That the male werewolf can only get his mate pre......pregnant" she said

"That is correct, so now that you know the truth what are you going to do" I asked

"I need some time to process all this Mr. De La Vega" she said

"Please call me Miguel and take as much time as you need" I said

I got up and made my way out of the house and into the car. I started to drive when I got a text saying that everybody was at the restaurant across from the beauty salon. When I got to the restaurant I walked in and saw that Trisha was sitting next to Zeus, she was holding his hand while he was trying to get her to let go.

"Where have you been" Zeus asked

"I was talking with an old friend" I said

"Then why do you smell like Lupe" Zeus asked

"Because I was talking to her" I said

"And what did you have to talk with her about" Zeus asked

"The pas and gave some proof of what I said to her" I said

"what are you saying" Felipe asked

"I'm saying that if she sees Zeus holding Trisha's hand everything I did and said was for nothing" I said

"What do you mean Miguel, be more specific please" my uncle said

"I mean that Lupe is at her house thinki8ng about looking for Zeus and talk to him, even give him another chance but if she sees him holding hands withTrisha it would be his fault if she decides not to give him that chance and all I said and the proof that I gave her will be said and shown for nothing as well as my time would have been spent stupidly" I said

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