Guidance Counselor 2

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He started to undo his belt and my breath caught in my throat. "Here. I'll start."

"These pants are way too tight" he continued. "I wear them just for their looks. But really they aren't comfortable at all." I still wasn't breathing. I had no idea where this was going. Was he about to take his pants off. It felt like a dream. Like a fantasy. A naughty one at that.

He finished taking off his belt and went for his button. I felt like he was purposely doing it slowly. I was fully hard by now as he undid his button on his pants.

And just as I thought he would go further and unzip the zipper he relaxed and put his hands to his sides. "Much better" he signed. "See I got more comfortable. Now your turn. I want this to be a comfortable setting. Anything goes. Don't worry. No judgement."

Anything goes. At that point I just wanted to jump on him and straddle his lap. I didn't know what he wanted me to do at that point or what he expected me to do so I just sat there looking like an idiot just hoping my boner wasn't visible through my pants.

"I see your still a little too tense" he said. "That's OK. I understand if it takes you some time to get comfortable and open around me. We just met after all. Take your time."

He reached over and patted my leg twice. While he did that the back of his hand brush against my hard on. I almost creamed my pants and I had to bite my tongue to hold back a squeal.

This was getting way too intense. I had to say or do something. I knew he was waiting for me to. But I didn't know what. The easiest thing would to just say OK thanks bye and leave but if I got up now my erection would be clearly visible.

I think I seamed like an idiot just sitting there quietly but I didn't know what else to do. Eventually Mr. Andrews just spoke up "OK Austin. Was a good first talk. I'm not worded that you were shy this first time. I'm sure you will open up more as we get to know each other better. And remember I'm always here to help. I will see you later then." And with that he made a gesture for me to head to the door.

But I just couldn't get up. I had a raging hard on from this whole day and I couldn't adjust it without him seeing and if I got up it would be front and center being the ultimate embarrassment.

He titled his head to the side. "Are you feeling well Austin? You seam strangely quiet and still. Let me feel if you have a fever."

He got and came to stand in front of me. Hr leaned over to feel my head. It seamed like he prolonged the process. My face was directly looking at his crotch area and his open button. I could see red underwater peering through. He was definitely a naughty teacher.

I was very conscious of my eyes staring at his open button. And at the desk of his hand against my forehead it was just making me more flustered and Hornier.

Eventually he stepped back and said "nope no fever." He was looking down intently at me. My eyes were staring into his. It was like I was looking into an ocean. And his hair just made want to touch it. "Let me get you some Tylenol and I'll send you back to class."

He turned away from me and walked over to a cupboard next to his desk. He bent down to open it and fetch the pills. Now his ass was in full view in those tight pants. Sticking out right at me. I just wanted to pounce on it. I almost couldn't hold back any longer.

And then suddenly I came out of my fantasy world and realized he wasn't looking at me anymore. This was the prefect time. I stood up quickly and adjusted my dick in my pants so he couldn't see how hard I was.

"Its OK I'm fine really" I said. "I'm just going to head to class. Thanks for everything."

He turned around. "OK. Glad your feeling somewhat better." Then he came closer to me leaving mere inches between. I feel like he could hear how fast my heart was beating.

He took hold of both my arms. "I'm happy we were able to have this chat. I'm sure our conversations will get deeper with time." With one hand he let go and patted my arm twice.

"And remember my office is always open to you. For anything you need." And then he did something unexpected. He took me in for a hug. I was so surprised that I just hugged back. With our arms around each other. And our bodies pressed against each other.

I could feel his groin grinding a bit against my hard dick. Out of instinct it made me pull him in tighter. We were like that for a few seconds. I could think of nothing else but the warmth of our bodies pressed together. And my dick rubbing against his crotch.

There was no way he didn't notice how hard I was. I was sure he felt it. But after those few seconds we just broke the hug and I turned around and left the office.

I was glad it was in the middle of class and nobody was in the halls. They would have noticed how flustered I looked right now. I could not pull myself together. And I was so horny. At this point sex was all I could think about.

After calming myself down as much as I could I headed to whatever class I was supposed to be in now. I gave the teacher the note from Mr. Andrews and took a seat next to Connor. He tried to get my attention but I was ignoring him so I wouldn't betray my emotions.

After some time he gave me a budge in my side but I brushed him off. As soon as class was done we headed to lunch together. "So?" Was all Connor said.

"So what?" I answered.

"Well ho was it with Mr. Andrews? Did he turn you gay? Are you batting for my team now? Did he take your virginity?" He had a big grin on.

I rolled my eyes. "Connor not everything is about sex. And especially with Mr. Andrews. It was just a boring conversation." I was lying through my teeth. I didn't think he noticed though.

"Hmm. Maybe he just saw you're a stick in the mud and he didn't want to waste his time with you. Unless your lying to me." I could hear he was just kidding so I playfully shoved him.

After we got our food at the lunchroom we joined a table that some of our friends were already sitting at. "What got you all grinning about?" Ethan asked Connor.

"Well" Connor answered "Austin had a meeting with Mr. Andrews this morning. You know the Mr. Andrews that seduces guys to have sex with him. The sexy Mr. Andrews."

Now the whole table was laughing. And I had to join along to make believe I was enjoying the joke. *wouldn't you like to picture that Connor. Austin with Mr. Andrews " Ethan teased Connor. And now I was picturing it. And I was starting to get horny again.

"He would want more than that. Connor would live to join them. Wouldn't you Connor?" Freddy chimed in.

" Yeah Connor. We all know you always had that dream to get with Austin." Ethan said

Connor raised his eyebrows. "Only if you would have a threesome with us Ethan."

"Wow. That would be hot." Amy said.

"Uch Amy don't join the boys when they have these conversations" Daisy told her best friend.

Ethan got up and walked over to Connor. "Sure" he said ad he started to thrust his crotch towards Connors face. Connor just laughed and picked up his hand as if to hold in imaginary dick by his mouth.

I just couldn't take it anymore. Just that sight of Ethan and Connor playing around and the imagination I had of a threesome was enough to take me over the top. The day was too much. I needed relief. I couldn't wait until I got home anymore.

I quickly excused myself and ran off the table. Once I was in the halls I made a dash for it. Since it was lunchtime the halls were empty.

I heard some noise as I was passing the gym. I stopped to take a look. It was Tyler. He was there practicing hockey. And he wasn't wearing a shirt. His body looked so good. Glistening with sweat.

He didn't notice me and I just started at him for a few moments. By now I was completely hard. My dick would not ho down as I fantasized about Tyler.

After watching him I continued my dash. I was turning the corner to get to the bathroom and -

A/N: if anyone has any requests comment here what you would like to see happen between any of the characters.

The Secrets of High School BoysOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora