Horny Austin

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I was waiting outside the house of my best friend waiting to walk to our first day of school together. I was not excited about school. All the social pressure and what not. And being a closeted gay made it harder than ever. But I would get through it. Like i always did.

The door slammed open and Connor came running out with all the energy he had. Yup. My best friend was gay and so was I. But nobody not even he knew I was was gay. I k ow pretty lame that I couldn't even come out to my best friend who would totally understand because he himself was gay. But I didn't want him to treat me any different as his gay best friend. I wanted to be his straight best friend.

He. Ran at me and took me in a beat hug. "A little too much for a good morning Connor" I said.

He stepped back and pouted. But then he smirked that mischievous smile of his. He grabbed my waist tightly and moved closer to me. Pressed his crotch against mine. Moved his face closer to mine. A mere centimeter between our lips. I could feel his hot breath on my face.

"How about this. Good morning babe" he said seductively.

He pulled away laughing. And just in time too. If he stayed on me linger he would have noticed my growing erection.

I wasn't into Connor like that in any way. He was my best friend and we knew each other forever. More like brothers I would say. And anyway I have someone else who steels my attention.

But its just when Connor plays his games and gets all physical with me. Well and physical contact with a guy especially in that way turns me on. Like I said always horny. So its hard to have Connor as my best friend sometimes. But he's great anyway.

I faked laugh to show him that I thought it was funny. Didn't want him to know that I was actually turned on by it.

"Well let's go Austin. Don't want to be late for the first day. Isn't it exciting"

"Yeah super exciting" I said sarcastically.

"Don't be a buzz kill. Maybe you can actually enjoy school this year. Find yourself a hot chick. With some nice tits and nice ass" he shuddered at that last part.

"Hah. It realm pains you to say that."

"Yup. Because I'm straight as ball. Anyway you guys are lucky. If I was straight no other guy would have a chance with the ladies."

"And that's why your still a virgin?" I mocked.

"That's totally different. Just haven't found the guy I wanted yet. But once I do. He's done for."

I rolled me eyes. When we got to school then I really got a glance of the one guy right now that I wanted to be n bed with.

And that was Tyler. That blonde hair just wanted to run my hands through it. His green eyes just looked magical. And his figure just made me want to tear his clothes off so I could get a glimpse of his body.

Dirty thoughts started to enter my head. How we would be so close and then leaning in for the kiss. Having a hit make out session. Letting my tongue explore his mouth. Just pushing myself against his body. Feeling him.

I snapped out of it when the locker next to mine slammed shut. This was all just wishful thinking. Tyler was straight. That much I knew. But a guy can dream can't he.

Then I saw Bret slap Tyler on the back and they exchanged friendly greetings. Bret and Tyler were best friends. Both on the hockey team. Bret wasn't my dream boy but he sure was sexy. That muscular build. Dark brown hair and deep dreamy brown eyes to match. If I couldn't have Tyler then I definitely wouldn't mind taking Bret.

But he was without a doubt straight. I think most of the sophomores were still vrigins. But if any of them weren't Bret was definitely among them. He had a different chick on his arm whenever you saw him.

I didn't have much to do with the sexy hockey players. Connor and I ran in different social circles than them. But we weren't enemies or anything. We definitely spoke to them here or there.

Time for homeroom.

The teacher was Mr. Andrews. He was also the grade councilor if anyone needed to talk about anything. And was his job to make sure we were all OK.

"Rumor has it that Andrews likes to hit on the boys" Connor nudges me before we walk into class. "And sometimes even make a move on them. This is going to be an exciting class."

"I don't believe rumors like those" I tell him.

He shrugs in response as if to say let's see as we walked into class. I took a desk next to Connor.

Mr. Andrews walks in a few minutes later. He looks very young. Especially as a grade councilor. Like maybe about twenty seven or so. And I have to admit he's pretty good looking. Has reddish hair all jelled back INA perfect but lush fashion. Light blue eyed and a slim muscular build. Didn't look like you average teacher. That's for sure.

What Connor said was sticking in my head. I was studying his every movement trying to see if it were true and if he was really hitting on the boys in the class.

Every small thing got my attention. Like when he would touch a boy on the shoulder as he passed them while walking around the class. When he would lean forward towards a a guy when they were asking or answering a question. Although it was probably just my imagination.

At one point during the class he made it towards where Connor and I were sitting. He ruffled Connors hair a little. "Connor. Looking sharp today I might say. Good first impression." Connors grin stretched across his whole face. And I knew it was beyond just that compliment. I could see the dirty thoughts dancing around in his eyes.

Then he turned to me. He literally sat on my desk. Like planted the beautifully shaped ass ( I shouldn't be thinking that about my teacher but yeh I was getting horny in the moment) right on my desk. And he was looking down at me. "Its very nice to have you in my class Austin. Looking forward to a great year."

And then he jumped off my desk and started to walk on. That seemed to be a little more than just my imagination. But who knows. Maybe he was just overly friendly.

It was so hard to tell his motives. But either way did I want to fool around with my teacher. What was I even thinking. My thoughts were driving me mad. But I was getting so turned on thinking about it.

"Austin. Join me in my office after class."

A/N if you have any request of what u would like to see leave a comment here

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