Chapter 18: Swallow Your Pride Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Mom?" Ravn called out, his eyebrows meeting in confusion. His mom turned around and as soon as she saw Ravn a few meters away she let out a sigh of relief. She walked towards Ravn.

"Where have you been!? I told you to stay there at the carousel! I told you I'll be right back but you just disobeyed me!" His mother looked like she was about to cry. "I thought I lost you."

Ravn's lips parted at what's happening.

"I-I'm here mom. I'm sorry for disobeying you." He apologized and his mother shook her head. She calmed her breathing. "It's okay. I was just scared for a moment. Here, I got us cotton candies now."

Ravn took the other cotton candy and looked at her mom eating hers.

"Hey. You didn't tell me you already have a girlfriend." His mother looked at him, her eyes looking at him with suspicion. Meanwhile, Ravn looked confused. "Girlfriend?"

"Oh, come on! Stop hiding it. I even thought you brought her here. What's her name again? Gabrielle?" His mother looked at the sky as if it'll confirm her guess.

"How do you know her?"

"Aha! I'm correct!" His mom pointed at him while she grinned. "You thought you could hide it from me? Hah, you bet! You better let me meet her, Ravn."

Ravn was so confused of what has been happening but in the midst of it, he got to smile. If this was a dream, he'd still be happy. He never had this kind of conversation with his mother. It made his heart feel the warmth he's been looking for. The warmth from his mother.


Ravn slowly opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was his hand intertwined with Gabrielle's. Her other hand was on top of their intertwined ones, resting after she was caressing it earlier. He slightly turned his head and watched Gabrielle's sleeping face.

He remembered everything she told him when he broke down. How she hugged him and comforted him. She saw him turn into a mess but she stayed by his side and ignored his selfishness and pride. Just like before, she made him see life brightly. He found another small light this time and he's sure to let out all the rocks inside his heart to give way for the light to shine widely inside him.

Once again, Gabrielle saved him.

Ravn stared at her intently and felt his own face inching closer with hers. Gabrielle's eyes slowly fluttered open, her eyes instantly making eye contact with Ravn's puffy ones.

She didn't even jump. She just stared at him silently, even when their faces are so near at each other. None of them spoke a word or moved. They just stared at each other over the sound of winds and birds.

When she didn't react to their closeness, Ravn closed his eyes to meet her lips. She closed her eyes too, knowing what is about to happen. She doesn't even feel the need to protest, because she also felt her heart strings being pulled. Does she even need to fight this?

Yet when their lips were just about a centimeter away, Ravn's phone rang. It startled the both of them that they both sat properly and cleared their throats. Their intertwined hands were now undone and Ravn took his phone to answer the call.

"Mr. Lee?" Ravn said, trying to make his voice sound normal than raspy. "Is something wrong?"

"No, none at all, Ravn." He said on the other line. "The doctors said she's stable and luckily the drugs didn't fully take over her system. She'll be awake soon."

Like a burden finally lifted from his heart, Ravn sighed in relief. He began to cry once again, but this time, because of joy. Gabrielle looked at him, worry starting to rise within her. Ravn shook his head and gave her a reassuring smile, that nothing's wrong. She nodded, feeling relieved as well.

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