Chapter 11: Broken Child

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When Mingi and Gabrielle left the company, San has just arrived. Too late.

His eyes roamed around Mingi's office. He glanced at the unorganized folders on his desk and caught something near the window at the corner of his eyes. He approached the window and saw two white feathers on the ground. He concluded Gabrielle was already here. He concluded that she already has Mingi.

He muttered a curse as he curled his hands into a fist.

"Sir, I told you Mr. Song just left--"

"Was he out with a woman?" San interrupted the secretary who rushed in when he entered straight to the room. He was right. He's with Gabrielle already.

The secretary nodded her head. "Yes, sir."

"Did he tell you where they're going?"

"He didn't say anything when he left, sir." The secretary shook her head this time. "If you would like to, I'll tell him you're looking for him and maybe he'll agree to set an appointment with you."

"Nevermind." San replied. He thought it was useless asking questions because she doesn't even know anything. He decided to try and come back since he's aware that Mingi can't just leave his company. For the meantime, he'll think of how to find the other men.

San walked to the window and swung his legs over it, surprising the secretary. "Sir, what are you doing? Please get down!" She panicked. They're on the highest floor and there's no way to go down through the window.

"Don't tell anyone that I came here." San said, his eyes boring down at hers until it turned black. "If you do, I'll come for you and make you regret it."

The secretary's voice was stuck in her throat. Before she could make any noise, San jumped off the building.

"Sir, wait! No!" She hurriedly ran to the window but she couldn't see him anymore.

Her heart was beating fast, and her lips were trembling. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. She couldn't believe San has disappeared like a ghost. "W-what..."


"Rise and Shine!" Gabrielle sang with glee as she pushed the curtains open, letting the sunlight enter the room and shine on Hwanwoong's face. His face scrunched up as he tried to open his eyes and as soon as he realized it was the sun trying to ruin his sleep, he turned to the side and covered himself with his blanket.

A wide and bright smile was present in Gabrielle's face as she looked at Hwanwoong. "Good morning, my little minion!"

Hwanwoong groaned at Gabrielle's loudness, burying himself further in his bed if it's even possible. "Goodness, Gabrielle. It's too early." He whined even though his voice is muffled.

"What early? It's already past 7!" Gabrielle said when she approached him by the bed. She laid her head on Hwanwoong's hips. "The sky's awake, so I'm awake, so we have to play!"

"This isn't Frozen, Gabrielle."

"Even if it's not Frozen, you really should get up." Gabrielle snarled at him, dropping the childish act. "Don't tell me you're giving up in just a week of this?"

One week. One week has passed since they were all complete. Gabrielle has started to make Hwanwoong get out of his sloth-like habit. She also started to limit and discipline Xion from trying to eat a lot, but not to the point that she's starving him or trying to take what he loves to do: eating. He could eat, yes, but he cannot just eat dozens of mandarins in one sitting right?

"Ugh, I give up." Hwanwoong groaned. Gabrielle sat up and tried to pull of his blanket. They began to argue and fight over the blanket.

"Let me sleep!"

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