Who would've thought that I will fell inlove with this annoying, pervert and crazy girl in front of me? Who would've thought that I will love this girl with all my heart so bad, that I think I might accept her proposal right here... Right now. And I will live with her forever.

Leaving all my responsibilities, my work and everything to just stay with the girl I'm so in love with. I know I'm drunk but I am still thinking straight... And I have decided to stay with her.

Jeongyeon can't just make me drunk without reason. So again, she helped me get drunk with a purpose... To finally admit my feelings to Chaeyoung.

I was about to lean in for another kiss when she pushed me forcedly that I almost fall on my ass, glad I gained my balance and I looked at her shockingly.

She was taking deep breathes and her hands were formed into fist as she averted her eyes away. "What's wrong with you?" I asked madly to her.

"No!" She angrily exclaimed, "I should be the one asking, what's wrong with you?!" She wiped her teary eyes angrily as I stared at her confused.

What did I do?

"You disgusting slut. Why did you kissed me, huh?" She huffed, "for me to make out with you so you could have a reason to accept my proposal?"

"Chaeyoung, what are you saying?" I asked her softly, my eyes was getting hurt any second as I was fighting my tears to not fall.

She scoffed, "why can't you be loyal to your doctor? She can give you more than I could give, right? And I'm just nothing but a desperate writer who wants to taste you!"

I walked to her and held her hand shakily, "Chaeyoung no," she pushed my hand away and took a few step back. I can't stop my tears anymore and it fell uncontrollably on my flushed cheeks. "I don't know what you're saying, but please don't push me away." I begged and sobbed, just what made her think such horrible idea?

She shook her head and chuckled sarcastically, wiping her tears away, "well then Miss. Gold digger, I'm no longer the desperate writer you think I was, and forget about that silly proposal I made."

I shook my head hastily as I grabbed her hand again, "No, Chaeyoung please listen." I cried.

"...and when you got there, tell her everything alright?" Jeongyeon said with a smile. "Tell her how much you love her. And never let her slip away from you."

"Chaeyoung, I love-"

"I know you Mina." She cutted coldly, as she pushed away my hand that is holding her, "I know you more than you know yourself. So let me tell you what you really are... you're nothing but a gold digger." She said it like it was the most certain thing she knew.

She never change.

She never thought of me as Mina. The Mina who catches feelings for her silently, the Mina who fell in love with her unexpectedly.

After all, she always think of me as the gold digger she thought I was. She never love me as she don't believe in love, so why am I even thinking that just by admitting that I love her will change everything? Why am I having my hopes up thinking that she possibly felt the same way too?

I was just over confident with myself that I never thought of her as a sex addict, who just wanted a girl to live with her without love related and just be her sex slave. And I was about to become one of hers.

"You never know me," I said as I stare at her with hateful eyes. "And you will never know me, Chaeyoung." I pushed her away hardly and walked pass her. I hurriedly marched upstairs, slamming the door behind me.

With blurry eyes, I searched for my phone that I left on my bed and opened it.

Whatever will happen after, I know it is for the best.

And it is for best to go and leave all of this dumb feelings behind.

"Hello?" I heard Sana's sleepy voice over phone.

"I'll leave tomorrow." I said with cracked voice, suppressing myself to cry. I didn't wait for her reply anymore as I turned off my phone and shoved it away from me.

My decision is final and nothing could change it. Not even Sana. I will go back and relive the busy life I left. And when I got there, I will forget everything about this place.

I will forget all about you Chaeyoung.


A/N - I'm not crying! You are!

I'm so sorry for this one. Such a sad ending we got here😅 ...omg you're all so amazing guys you made it this far.

I will leave a question for you:
What made Chaeyoung act like that?

She made our penguin cry and leave. Poor Minari deserves an explanation, right? Right?



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