Chapter 6

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At long last, school had started. Barry was doing well in his classes, minus French. Even with all the help he was getting from his brother, he just couldn't grasp the language. Seriously! There's, like, eleven letters in a word and you pronounce four of them. Or, you have your French word like "oiseaux", which means "Birds", and it's pronounced "Wazo". Barry decided that French was the worst possible language to try and learn.

Right now, Sebastian was trying to get Barry to understand the language.

"Come on Bar," Sebastian urged, "you can do it."

"I can do many things," Barry said, "this is not one of them."

"It's simple. Listen..."

"No. Can't I just help you with your science again?" Barry pleaded.

Sebastian rolled his eyes, "Barry."


"We are not leaving this room until you get these words down." Sebastian said. "Let's try again. Repeat after me: Pardon excusez-moi. S'il vous plaît. Merci."

After ten more minutes, Barry finally mastered the phrases, much to Sebastian's delight. 

"Okay. Can we be done now?" Barry asked.

"Sure, you big whiner," Sebastian teased. "You want to go get some coffee?"

"Yes please!" Barry said enthusiastically.

Sebastian laughed and the twins made their way to Lima Bean. 

As they entered the shop, they heard someone mutter "No way."

They turned and saw the New Directions. 

A short girl with brown hair spoke, "I mean, when they said that Sebastian had a twin, I thought they were just saying that to scare us. Seriously."

"Well hello New Directions," Sebastian smirked.

"Hi Sebastian. Hi Barry." Blaine said. 

Barry smiled. 

"And are you as much of a jerk as your brother?" The brunette rudely asked.

"Rachel." Blaine hissed.

"My brother is not a jerk." Barry said, instantly coming to his brother's defense.

Sebastian looked at his brother with a mix of shock and appreciation.

Barry continued, heated, "Sure, he made some mistakes, but he's apologized and he's honestly sorry. And he's done his best to try and make amends, but you all don't make it very easy. And I see no reason for him to keep trying to make things better if this is how you choose to treat him every time you come across one another. And do you even really know him? Have you taken the time to get to know him? Geez. Let's go Seb. They can come talk to us if they decide to be a little nicer."

Then Barry dragged his twin to a table and ordered their drinks. When he sat down, Sebastian just stared at him.

"What?" Barry asked.

"Thanks." Sebastian said. Barry shrugged. "No. Seriously. That's probably the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. And I'm a little stunned honestly."


"You don't talk much around other people. And yet you just scolded a bunch of people you hardly know." Sebastian laughed, "And it was awesome."

Barry blushed and smiled sheepishly. "No problem. You'd do the same for me. Besides, I couldn't let them acuse you of things that really weren't true. It sort of hit a soft spot."

Sebastian nodded understandingly. "Thanks Bar."

***** LINE BREAK *****

The New Directions gaped as not one, but two Sebastian Smythes walked into the Lima Bean. 

"Told you," Santana whispered.

"No way," Artie said.

The twins turned towards the group.

Rachel waved her arms, "I mean, when they said that Sebastian had a twin, I thought they were just saying that to scare us. Seriously."

"Well hello New Directions," Sebastian smirked. At least they assumed it was Sebastian.

"Hi Sebastian. Hi Barry." Blaine said.

The quieter one, Barry, smiled.

"And are you as much of a jerk as your brother?" Rachel rudely asked.

"Rachel." Blaine hissed.

"My brother is not a jerk." Barry said, instantly coming to his brother's defense. 

Sebastian looked at his brother with a mix of shock and appreciation.

Barry continued, heated, "Sure, he made some mistakes, but he's apologized and he's honestly sorry. And he's done his best to try and make amends, but you all don't make it very easy. And I see no reason for him to keep trying to make things better if this is how you choose to treat him every time you come across one another. And do you even really know him? Have you taken the time to get to know him? Geez. Let's go Seb. They can come talk to us if they decide to be a little nicer."

Then Barry dragged his twin to a table and ordered their drinks. 

"Really, Rachel." Blaine asked.

"What?" she asked.

"Barry's right. In regards to all of us. We really haven't given Sebastian a chance, even though he's been trying. That needs to change." Blaine said.

"You can't possibly expect us to be buddies after all he did to us?" Kurt asked. Most of the New Directions nodded their agreement.

"Kurt, we don't have to be best friends with him, but wouldn't it be nice to just not hate each other anymore?"

"I think Blaine is right. We should go be friends with the Sebastians." Brittany said. 

"Feel free. I'll stay here." Artie said.

"Alright. I'm going to go talk with them, who's coming?" Blaine asked.

Brittany, Mercedes, Kurt, and Blaine headed over to the twins.

"Hi!" Brittany said.


A/N- Go Barry! Way to stand up for your family. 

Hope y'all like my story so far. Love y'all! :)

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