Chapter 1

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"You ready for this Bar?" Joe asked.

Barry nodded, "Sure."

"That's not really an answer." Joe smiled. 

"I'm just really gonna miss you guys," Barry said sadly.

"We're gonna miss you too Bar," Iris said, "but we'll keep in touch."

"Yeah." Barry said. 

"Boarding for Lima, Ohio. Gate 9, boarding for Lima, Ohio." 

"That's me," Barry said.

"Bye Barry," Joe said, giving him a hug.

"It's not really goodbye," Iris countered, "It's more like... See you later. So, see you later Bar." And she hugged him.

"See you guys later," Barry said. He waved and boarded the plane to Lima, Ohio. 

Barry found his seat and quickly fell asleep.


Barry ran down the street as fast as he could. But his fastest still wasn't fast enough. Tony Woodward and his 'gang' caught up with him and shoved him to the ground. 

"Nice try freak," Tony taunted. Then he proceeded to kick Barry. His friends joined in.

"Leave me alone," Barry gasped, knowing full well it wouldn't work. 

"Why? What are you gonna do? Go visit your murderer relative to get some tips?" Tony said. He picked Barry up and threw him into an alleyway. Then he kicked him into a dumpster. 

When Barry hit the ground, he felt the bones in his arms shatter and he cried out in pain. As he was kicked into the hard metal side of the dumpster, he hit his head and nearly blacked out from the pain. 

But he didn't. Blacking out would've been a relief. He didn't have that good of luck. 

Tony started talking again, "I'm probably gonna do the world a favor getting rid of you. Watch your back Allen, because I'm gonna get you."

After a few final kicks, Barry blacked out.

Barry woke up to the sound of continuous beeping. He groaned. 

"Barry?" He heard Iris' voice. That encouraged him to try and open his eyes. He opened his eyes and at first saw only white. 

"Wha' happen'?" Barry said slurred. 

"You don't remember?" Iris asked.

Barry thought for a moment, and the memories came back to him at the same time the pain did. He groaned again in pain, "yes. I remember."

Then a nurse walked in. "Oh good. You're awake." she said. "How are you feeling?"

"Good?" Barry answered.

The nurse chuckled, "How are you really feeling?"

"In lots of pain." Barry answered honestly. "What's hurt?"

The nurse frowned, "Your arm is shattered. You have three broken ribs and two cracked ones. You also have a fairly large concussion. But no worries, don't strain yourself and you'll heal up nicely." The nurse checked a few things and left.

Joe walked in. "Hey Bar."

"Hi Joe."

"Iris, sweetie, can I talk to Barry alone please?" Joe asked.

"Sure dad," Iris left the room. 

Joe sighed, "Barry, how long has this been happening?"

Barry looked down, "As long as I can remember."

"Barry!" Joe said, exasperated, "Why didn't you say anything?"

Barry mumbled something unintelligible.

"Barry what else are they doing? Be honest with me."

"Death threats," Barry said quietly. 

Joe looked at him with extreme heartbreak, "Barry," he whispered. Then he sighed, "Bar, How would you feel about finishing high school out of Central City."

Barry just looked at him.

"There's a school in Westerville, Ohio. Dalton Academy. It's and all boys school and has a no bullying policy. You would stay with my friend, John Keagan, who lives in Lima, Ohio, and finish high school there, away from... this." Joe gesture to Barry's broken form. 

Barry looked down at his hands. "Okay."

"Okay? Really? I thought it was going to take more convincing than that." Joe said.

"I just can't take it Joe. I need to get away from Central. No, I don't want to leave you or Iris or my dad. But I can't stay focused during school when I'm constantly looking over my shoulder." Barry explained. 

Joe nodded, "Well, when you're all healed up, you can be on your way to Dalton. Okay?"



Barry walked off the plane. He was officially starting over. He could do this. He walked towards the exit.


A/N- Hi everyone! So This is a new story I'm exited about writing. I'm also still working on Long Time No See, but I need to let my mind hop from one story to the next, otherwise I'll go crazy working on one story with no variation. 

I don't have a set time for updating, but I'll update as much as I can. 

I hope y'all enjoy! Please leave comments! :)

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