Chapter 4

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The twins walked into Lima Bean and ordered some coffees. 

"So Bar," Sebastian said, "How are you liking Ohio so far?"

"Well, I haven't really been anywhere except Dalton, John's house, and here." Barry said.

"Who's John?" 

"The guy I'm staying with. He's a friend of Joe's." Barry explained.

"Why'd you move to Ohio anyway?" Sebastian asked, "Not that I'm complaining."

Barry rubbed the back of his neck, "Well-"

"Smythe!" someone yelled.

Sebastian groaned, then smirked. "Well well well. If it isn't Sha Queer A, Lady Hummel, and Killer. Still lookin' good by the way."

Barry was about to turn and look at the people Sebastian was talking to, but he shook his head and mouthed, 'not yet'. Barry smiled at his brother's antics.

"What do you want?" Sebastian asked.

"Blaine wanted to say hi and meet your new friend. I just wanted to come insult you." the girl said.

"Well what a coincidence," Sebastian said, "I wanted you to meet my friend too." He nodded, and Barry turned around. 

He smiled, "Hi. I'm Barry."

The three kids' mouth fell to the ground at the same time their eyes shot up.

"Care to explain Sebastian?" the boy with dark, curly hair asked.

"Why certainly Blaine." Sebastian said, "This is my long lost twin. Barry."

"You've got to be kidding me," the other boy said, "There's two of you now?"

Sebastian laughed.

"How long have you had a twin?" the girl asked.

"Since I was born," Sebastian asked, but this time, he didn't clarify.

"Cut the crap Twink." she said.

"He's not lying," Barry finally said, "We just met a few hours ago. What are your guys' names?"

Blaine smiled, "I'm Blaine, This is Kurt, and that's Santana."

"Nice to meet you guys." Barry said.

"Well I know who the good twin is," Kurt said.

"Yeah, I don't think Feivel is physically able to hold a civil conversation." Santana said.

"You have to be with civil people to have a civil conversation," Sebastian smirked, "If you see any, be sure to tell me."

Kurt growled. 

"What did you say your name was?" Blaine asked, cutting off any comeback Kurt might've come up with.

"Barry," he said. Blaine smiled. 

Sebastian, Kurt, and Santana were having a glaring contest, so Barry decided that they should leave. "Come on Seb. We need to call Joe and Iris." 

"Right, Let's go little brother!" Sebastian said, leading Barry away.

"You could't wait to do that, could you?"

"Been looking forward to it since I found out I was older." Sebastian smiled.

They got back to their dorm and Barry pulled out his laptop. 

"Barry!" Iris' voice came a second before the camera.

"Hey Iris!" Barry said with a grin.

"Hey Bar!" Joe said, and squished his face into the picture.

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