"I love you alright and it ain't no changing that unless you fuck me over and then well I'll have to kill you", he said.

Aaliyah made a face. Dre didn't laugh or anything so she knew he was serious.

"...you couldn't kill me even if you tried", Aaliyah said.

"Maybe you right, maybe you wrong...but somebody gettin hurt", Dre said.

Aaliyah looked away. "I believe that. Especially after what you did to herbo", she said before she sighed.

As she looked around she Carmen come in.

"I'll be back", she said as she walked in Carmen's direction.

Dre shook his head as he stood there.

Aaliyah walked up to Carmen. "Hey", Aaliyah said.

"Hey, Liyah. I know you found out and I have been wanting to tell you-"

Aaliyah cuts her off. "But Dre wouldn't let you", she said as she folded her arms. "I get it"

"But you're my sister. I don't owe him any loyalty. I owe you that", Carmen said.

"Then why keep it from me?", Aaliyah asked.

"Because...I could tell you really liked him and the way you look at him is like a whole other level and I didn't wanna see you hurt and I didn't want you not to trust me. Even though I pulled away", Carmen said.

"Carmen it's okay", Aaliyah said.

"...how about you and Dre?", Carmen asked.

"I don't understand why but...I still want him", Aaliyah said. "This is his second time fucking up.. I mean I'm sad but...I'm staying"

Carmen looked down. "I guess I through him off. Me and you look exactly alike. He was missing you like crazy", she said. "But I'm not defending him. You have every right to be mad at him"

Aaliyah nods as she looks around. "Don't worry, he's going to know how I feel soon", she said.

"Aaliyah two wrongs don't make a right", Carmen said.

"In my book that's a fair game", Aaliyah said.

"Aaliyah if you do whatever you're going to do he'll fuck them up", Carmen said.

"How would you know?", Aaliyah asked.

"Because the way he was shooting those guys who shot you. He shot them multiple times Aaliyah. I had to tell him to stop. He really doesn't play about you", Carmen said.

"But he plays with my feelings though?", Aaliyah asked.

"You have been sending him mixed signals this whole time Aaliyah", Carmen said.

"How would you know that!?", Aaliyah asked as he voice for louder.

"Because while you were in your coma he told me. He wanted advice", Carmen said.

Aaliyah rolled her eyes and they noticed that people where looking at him.

"Get back to work", Carmen said.

Aaliyah walked away.

"Aaliyah", Carmen said.

Aaliyah walked outside.

Carmen sighed.

Dre walked to Darnell.

"Ay bruh. I don't appreciate you disrespecting me", Dre said.

"Who you again?", Darnell asked.

"A nigga that can make your life or ruin it. Yo choice", Dre said.

"Listen, I don't know what yo talking about", Darnell said.

"Nigga I heard what you were saying to my girl!", Dre said as he started getting louder. "And you was looking at her ass and shit"

"I don't fuck with the talking man. You wanna do sum about it, do it. I'll finish it", Darnell said.

Carmen walked over. "Hey! What's going on over here?", she asked with anger.

"There's my baby Carmen", Darnell said with smirk. "I ain't know you had a twin"

"Yea", Carmen said as she walked Dre away. "Don't worry about him. Darnell is Darnell"

"Darnell need to realize who he fucking with", Dre said.

"No. Dre needs to realize who just left his presence", Carmen said.

Dre looks around. "Wheres Aaliyah?", Dre asked.

"Outside", Carmen replied.

Dre quickly walked around from Carmen without saying anything and walked outside. when he looked to the left he saw Aaliyah sitting on the ground crying.

Dre paused as he slowly got closer to her. "Liyah?", he said.

"I don't wanna talk", she said.


Aaliyah cuts him off as she stood up. "I don't wanna talk Dre!", she yelled. "Go inside. I'll come back in when I'm ready"

Dre got quiet.

"Please", she said as she looked at him.

Dre nods and slowly walks back in the house.

Aaliyah stood there and shook her head.

When Dre got back in the house, he sat down and looked down and began to think.


Hustla (BOOK ONE)Where stories live. Discover now