⥬Your First Kiss⥪

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-Celestia Ludenburg-
*Celestia brought you out to a nice picnic. The clouds were looming over you two nicely, the sun glancing from behind the clouds occasionally. It was a nice and calm time. You couldn't stop staring up at that bright blue sky, her mind too distracted as you stuffed your face with a lovely red velvet cupcake! You heard Celestia giggle next to you, your eyes widen and you look over. Soon you feel her soft hands against your cheek. Her nails gently running against your skin. She leaned in and kissed you, taking that leftover icing off the top of your lip.*

-Junko Enoshima-
*You became more and more obsessed, you honestly couldn't decide why you were. But... it was so difficult to avoid. You started to do some sort of chore for her. Anything she asked you did! That was your queen... your goddess! You bowed at her feet and did everything. You recently succeeded her latest task and now you were heading back. Once you presented her the item she wanted. She merely sunk down to your face, her nails gently tickling your skin as she raised her face to meet hers. This wide grin was on her face as she kissed you. After she stood up, gave you one last praise and moved on.*

-Kyoko Kirigiri-
*You'd always been curious about her gloves. They were nice and fit her hand perfectly. But... why did she wear them? You couldn't help bur think about that one annoying question. She asked you if you'd go shopping with her one day. Which... kinda shocked you, considering she didn't seem like the shopping type of gal. But, you two went anyway. You walked into this pretty fancy store, her eyes were stuck to everything. Soon you heard Kyoko calling for you, so you ran over. She was holding a little open, once she pulled it open there was a pair of new gloves. Once you two left the shop she removed her gloves. Once you saw her hand your heart just started to ache. What? She saw the puppy-dog look on your face, those burnt fingers of hers raise your head up to hers and she merely pecked your lips. Then explained her hands.*

-Sakura Ogami-
*You two were training with each other. You slowly began to grow more and more frustrated. You soon let that frustration get to you. Sakura noticed you're irritation and frowned. She gave you some pretty good advice about the challenges of learning, but that made you more upset! You yelled and just gave up. As you slumped back into a chair your hands covered your tears of frustration. Everything bad started to get to you. Before you knew it, a pair of lips were against yours. Your cheeks and neck burned with embarrassment. Once that feeling was away you looked up at Sakura, who had a determined look on her face to get you back on track.*

-Toko Fukawa-
*You started to take notice of Tokos behavior. It kinda was... interesting. You both were sitting at a table, reading. You felt her eyes stare at you, some mumbles came from her mouth, you tried your best to ignore it (knowing that if you said anything she'd freak out and started telling you to 'punish' her). Soon she said something that really got your attention. 'How could someone like Y/N love a piece of trash like me...' Your eyes shot up as you looked at Toko. Sure, she was different. But you never really hated anyone. Soon you stood up, ordering her to do the same. She shyly did, her eyes nervous/slightly excited looked at yours. Before anything, you grabbed her cheek and pulled her face to meet yours. Then afterwards, you proceeded to scold her about her behavior to herself as she melted into a puddle of happiness.*

-Chiaki Nanami-
*Chiaki was playing on her handheld as you played on the TV screen, both on the couch and your sides pressed against each other. You smiled as you played. Soon you heard a soft snoring. Your eyes went down and looked at the lovable sleepy girl next to you. You had decided to let her rest up. After a while, your arm started to fall asleep. You let out a short sigh as you watched her. You didn't wanna wake her up.... but you knew you needed to. You pondered a few ways on HOW to actually wake her up. Soon, you grinned to yourself. Your casually cooed out her name and then once she didn't respond. You laid your lips against the girls. She immediately reacted to that. Once you pulled away, she yawned and stretched. Looking at you with a soft smile and tired eyes.*

-Mikan Tsumiki-
*You always try to help her in some way. She just freaks out and starts stammering. You give her a kind smile then proceed to help. After a while she finally lets you help without her flipping out. One day she was giving you help on making a tourniquet on a fake arm. This was only so you could be prepared. After you completed the deed, a smile was plastered on your face. Your eyes traveled to Mikan who clapped happily. She quickly leaned forward, meaning to kiss your cheek but her aim was off and you titled your head in the right direction... then your lips met. She was red and embarrassed afterwards... she didn't want you to hate her. But you couldn't stop smiling!*

-Sonia Nevermind-
*After a whole of knowing Sonia, you gave up the thrill of the hunt. You immediately went into training to become a knight. It was hard and difficult, mostly because of the mistrust. But... they saw your ambition. You didn't see Sonia for weeks... which turned into months... it was almost a year now. She started to get sadder, feel lonelier. Then you walked into the castle. You had worked your way up so you could work directly for the king. Your mind could only think about Sonia. You went to rush up to her room but you saw her sitting alone outside.  So you want out and claimed the spot beside you. She felt her presence and gasped, her arms going around your neck. Then, she smashed her lips on yours. It felt amazing!*

-Kaede Akumatsu-
*You two proceeded to make a published art piece with the beautiful song you two composed together. You both were extremely proud of how it came out. You two have been getting closer and closer as time went on. You knew you loved her with all your heart. You could barely handle it, your eyes would look at her as she played. It was hard for you to get you eyes off of her. She was enticing. This dinky little smile was plastered on your face, she eventually noticed your stares more and more. After a while, she went to you and crouched down to your level and gave you one big kiss. She giggled at the redness of you face afterwards.*

-Maki Harukuwa-
*You could tell that Maki was warming up to you the more you guys worked together. You actually got her to crack a smile once! Anyways... you two just finished a very dangerous mission. It.. didn't go well at all. You got shot and now it was just you recovering. Maki care soft you the best she possibly could. You couldn't help but feel absolutely terrible. You woke up and sighed as you pulled yourself up from your seat. Maki immediately got on your case, after a while of arguing she kissed you. After she pulled away she yelled at you to lay down then stormed out.*

-Tsumugi Shirogane-
*She was working on a cosplay, she had you be her model. She altered a few things so it fit you better. Currently, you were standing as still as possibly as you could. After she got it all situated she just smiled and clapped. Soon she worked on your makeup. Her eyes went to your lips. Soon you could see the gears in her head turning. She put on some lipstick and kissed you. What! You felt her heart just get stuck in your chest. She pulled away and cheered. She wanted to see if the lipstick would have transferred. It did. It really did.*

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