⥬Your First Date⥪

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-Celestia Ludenburg-
*Ever since you two met, Celestia's been hinting at hanging out more. So that's what you did, the pair of you became very close friends with each other. It was splendid! One night Celestia wouldn't eat her food. You asked her why, she started rambling about the complications of love. At first you were confused and, to be honest, you still were throughout the night. She asked you personal questions which your replied to hesitantly. At the end of the night you ushered her to her cab. In which she repaid you with a sweet kiss on the cheek. Her eyes gazed into yours with a smile. "Thanks for the date, y/n." She walked into the car before you could react any further.*

-Junko Enoshima-
*After finding out who she was you couldn't leave her alone. She had this 'magnetic' pull that just grabbed you. The way she made her feel was too good for you to give up. Eventually you asked her if she'd give you a chance. If she's let you woo her with one date and if it's not enough she can throw you out. She happily agreed, sadly she didn't know it was gonna be the best date of her life. You had everything planned. Roses, chocolates... everything a girl could wish for... well the roses were wilted and the chocolates were expired. Worst/Best date ever.*

-Kyoto Kirigiri-
*She let you go on an easy note when she caught you. She found you brave. So you swapped numbers. It was actually really amazing. You both texted back and forth. The day you finally knew how to ask her out, she was a step ahead. Asking you out for stargazing. You two laid on the grass, both a little tangled up in each other and watched the wonderful sky. Although, your eyes kept going over to her face. The light moonlight glow made her look heavenly.*

-Sakura Ogami-
*Being Sakura's partner wasn't so bad. It was enjoyable. She helped you with your posture and focus. She taught you the correct movements and how to execute them too. After a while you two became friends. Seeing each other more and more outside of classes. You guys never had a proper date, but you slowly fell in love. You'd always show up to her house with roses and cute things like that. Which you knew she secretly loved. She's give you books on how to improve your fighting style. You guys mostly stayed at each other's houses. Just enjoying the presence of own another. Knowing this is what made you two happy*

-Toko Fukawa-
*Ever since you first saw her she came more and more. As time went on she'd run away less often then the first time. Eventually she flipped. Becoming obsessed with you. Of course you didn't notice or mind all that much. She seemed kind. You treated her nicely until she snapped and asked you out. She rambled on if you're response was no. How she'd never give up. You had said yes, but she rambled on. Soon your words finally reached her ears and she gasped. Beaming with excitement. Telling you the time and place. Before running away laughing to herself. You couldn't help but laugh a little before carrying on with your duties.*

-Chiaki Nanami-
*After the tournament you had to meet her. You went over and introduced yourself, finding this woman incredible. You both found a way to keep in touch. After that you guys were great friends. Doing to duo tournaments and kicking ass hardcore. Eventually you gain feelings for this girl. Knowing she was the one who truly made you happy. You asked her to a fancy dinner which she happily accepted. You tried your best to look as good as possible, which only made you look more nerdy. Which she loved once she saw you. Finding you even more adorable and lovable.*

-Mikan Tsumugi-
*Once you left you couldn't stop thinking about her. So obviously you had to go bad. The best way? Oh you know. Break another bone! How splendid. You came back and she helped you, yet again. You gave her a shitty pun which she giggled at. Soon you asked if you could exchange numbers. Which you did. After a while you two kept texting so you finally asked her. It took her a while to respond, but once she did? She said yes. How wonderful! You took her on a walk through a beautiful garden. Just talking to her. Trying to get to know each other.*

-Sonia Nevermind-
*Ever since that night you kept coming back. You convinced her you were a new part of the staff. She believed you. During the middle of the night you snuck her out and showed her around. Bringing her place from place. Her mind just exploded. You soon left her out of the kingdom. Which she grew anxious over, but once she was out. She was in awe. She didn't stop thanking you on the way home. She kissed her cheek as you helped her back into her room. In which she closed the window on you as you melted. Aka, fell down the tree.*

-Kaede Akumastu-
*After you listened to Kaede play you went up to her and introduced yourself. Sitting next to her and played your own heart out. Soon she joined in. Adding your sorrows together into one magnificent piece. Any one who listened to it could break down crying. Afterwards your heart felt a little happier. Glad to get all of it out. Kaede looked at you, you ended up walking her home and asked her if she wanted to meet up for coffee. Which she agreed too. The coffee date went amazing. You couldn't help but hum that tune. That made your heart hurt yet fly at the same time.*

-Maki Harukawa-
*You two became the dynamic duo. Killing people left in right without a trace. It seemed every case was sorta a date. At least to you. All you could do was flirt with her. Well... minus when actually on a mission. But the planning process you were smooth as butter. Finally she was fed up and asked if you two went on a date you'd leave her alone. You agreed. Now only ready to woo her more. Once the date came around she seemed unamused. Near the end you grew sadder. Knowing you couldn't win her heart at all. Although on the way out she kissed your cheek and left. You stood in awe as you watched her walk away. Your hand on your cheek.*

-Tsumugi Shirogane-
*After her whole Inspiration deal-o, you decided to text her. In response she just spammed you with cosplay ideas that would suit you. She forced you to come over so she could work on you. That was... probably your first date. Or one of the times you went over had to be. You two Just slowly slid into a relationship. Never needing to ask just knowing. That's how it was with her.*

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