The Next Day...

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Darren and I rode our bikes to school to meet up with Steve. He had been discharged from the hospital earlier that morning, and we were excited to have our friend back. The both of us agreed that we wouldn't tell him about Darren becoming a half-vampire. During the night Darren had called me telling me that he couldn't fall asleep; I guess it was one of the signs of his vampirism. It would take him at least a few days to adjust.
We walked into Mr. Kursey' a classroom and saw Steve surrounded by other students. He was clearly loving his newfound popularity from getting bit by the spider. He had a bandage on his face where he got bit. "Well well well, Steve is back." Darren said with amusement. He scratched the chalkboard like Mr. Kursey would do every time before class would start, but his attempt wasn't successful. His nails made deep indents in the chalkboard and I started to laugh. Everyone else just looked at Darren in awe. Steve looked at us suspiciously and then he just shrugged. "Is Mr. Perfect now a superhero?" "Just got lucky." Darren answered. "Steve was the one who got lucky, how did you get better so quickly?" I asked being as inconspicuous as possible. "I don't know, the doctors said I somehow brought myself out of it." "Interesting." "What did you guys do with the spider after it bit me?" "I killed her." Darren lied. "I stomped on her until she died." it was so hard to cover up what really happened after Steve got bit by Madam Octa. He already knew that I'm a vampire, but if he found out that Darren was one also then things would really get ugly.
   Throughout the school day, Darren was struggling with his thirst. "I have a bottle of blood in my backpack if you want some, you clearly need some." I whispered. "No thanks." he answered through gritted teeth. "Darren if you don't get some blood you're going to die." I warned him. I felt like I was his mother. "I don't care, I want to stay human." he whispered sharply. "The transformation already happened, there's no reversing it." I said in a stern tone. "What is with you guys today?" Steve asked suspiciously. Darren and I looked at each other and back at Steve "We're just exhausted." Darren said in a shaky voice. "Why?" "We actually came to the hospital to check on you because we were so worried." I only told that part of what had happened last night.  Steve raised an eyebrow "I don't remember that." "You were unconscious." I told him. He was always very observant, but I didn't think he would be that observant.

     When night came I flitted over to Darren's house because he sent me an urgent text message.  My father wanted to come as well; he knew how to handle what Darren was going through. We climbed up the side of the house and I slid open the window so we could go inside. Father was observing the books that were on the shelf against the wall. "I don't think you should be going through Darren's stuff." I warned. "Oh please, he'll never know." he replied picking up a copy of Oliver Twist.
     Suddenly he smiled amused "You have excellent reading material, I thought it was the Internet these days." I turned around to find Darren looking at us. "Mine's blocked." his voice broke and he started to cry. "Darren." I hugged him. "Don't do that, don't cry." Father said. "I almost killed my sister! I never wanted to become a vampire." Darren cried. "You should have thought about that before you stole my spider!" my father yelled at him. He had a furious look in his eyes. "Father, please." I stepped in front of Darren. I was trying to protect Steve from him once before, and now I was protecting Darren. My father's expression softened and he seemed to calm down. "Well, you can't stay here. It's too dangerous." I looked at my father as if he lost his mind "Are you crazy?! His parents will file a missing persons case." "Now now Lily, I thought about that." "I'm right here guys." Darren said. He looked at Darren sadly "We're going to have to kill you." "What?!" Darren and I said at the same time. "Not literally, we're going to fake your death. There are few ways for a vampire to be killed."

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