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My name is Lillian Crepsley, but I prefer to be called Lily. I'm sixteen years old; I've been sixteen for the past two years. Why may you ask? Well, I'm a vampire. I was transformed by my father Larten Crepsley, my birth parents and I were involved in a terrifying car accident, and they both died. I would've died too if Larten hadn't been there. I'm a rare species of vampires that can go out in the daylight without dying. We discovered that when I accidentally walked into the sunlight because I was curious to see how long I could withstand the sun, and I didn't get burned. Usually, young people aren't allowed to become vampires, but they let my situation be a one-time exception. Larten adopted me as his daughter, and he has been a better father than my birth father. We both moved in with a freak show called the Cirque du Freak, which is French for Circus of Freaks. We fit right in. The town we moved to had a high school that my father enrolled me in so we would blend in. I met my two best friends Darren Shan and Steve Leonard. We became a tight-knit group, but it was all about to change.

I was walking to class as usual. I was wearing my favorite black peasant blouse with silver pants and black combat boots. My dark red hair was tied up in a ponytail. Just as I was about to walk through the door, I felt a hand grab my backpack, preventing me from walking through the door. I didn't even see Darren beside me; It was Steve who stopped us from going into the classroom. "Guys, let's cut," Steve said excitedly. "No way, class is starting, man," Darren told him. "We can't miss it," I added. "Come on, Mr. and Mrs. Perfect, take a risk!" He was shoving us toward the staircase that led to the roof.

We were on the roof for a few minutes. Steve was throwing stones off the roof while Darren was holding a brown spider in his hand. "Hey I'm thinking about moving to Mexico, you guys wanna go?" Steve said, throwing a stone at a light, and then it shattered. "Yeah, sure, why not?" Darren said, turning his focus back on the spider. "Count me in," I said jokingly as I was twirling a twig that I found on the ground. "Nah, you two aren't going anywhere, Mr. and Mrs. Perfect." Steve threw another stone at a light, and it shattered again, and he laughed. I don't know why he had to be so destructive. "Hey, I bet you can't hit that light from right here." He knocked the spider out of Darren's hand and handed him a stone. "No, Steve, we're gonna get busted," I said as he proceeded to put a rock in my hand. "No, Steve, we're gonna get busted." Steve mimicked. "Come on." Darren and I looked at each other and shrugged.
We decided to loosen up and have fun. I threw my stone as far as I could. I didn't realize how far I threw it until it hit the lake that was a mile away. Darren and Steve looked at me in awe. "Lily! I didn't know you could throw like that." Darren said. I grinned, trying to hide the fact I nearly blew my cover. "There's a lot you don't know about me, boys." I curtsied. They laughed. I was blessed to have them as friends. Suddenly our history teacher Mr. Kursey came walking up the stairs. He didn't look happy.
"What are you three doing up here?" He narrowed his eyes at us. I had to think fast, I knew my father would be mad, but I didn't want us to get in trouble. I focused my mind, and I used my telekinetic power of persuasion. "Our apologies Mr. Kursey. We were just coming up with ideas for a science project. We wanted to see the velocity of a rock by throwing it." It seemed like my power was working. "Very well, Miss Crepsley, but I'm afraid I will have to contact each of your parents and tell them you have a warning." "Understood, sir," I said as respectful as possible. "Now, get back to class." He told us. Steve gave him the death glare while we walked back to the classroom. He did not like Mr. Kursey at all. I had a feeling he had mutual feelings.
"How do you do it?" Steve asked as we walked back to class. "Do what?" I asked, keeping my focus ahead. "Get on Mr. Kursey's good side. If either one of us did that, it definitely wouldn't have worked." Darren told me still in awe at what I did. "Let's just say I'm gifted at persuasion."
After school, I went home after hanging out with Darren and Steve. I rode my bike back to the theater where the rest of the Cirque was living. We had a show in two days, so we had to rehearse.

I walked through the doors of the theater and saw my boyfriend Evra Von rehearsing with his pet snake Bippo. He's a snake boy so he can communicate with all snakes, and he looks like an average person but with green scales for skin, and he has yellow snake eyes and green hair. We've been together for three years and are still very much in love. He looked up from rehearsing and smiled. "Hey, beautiful." I smiled back. "Hey, love." I walked up the stage stairs and kissed him. "How was your day?" He asked while putting his arm around me. "It was interesting," I replied. "How so?" He stroked my hair. "My friend Steve got me and my friend, Darren, in trouble. We cut class and got caught." I told him sheepishly. "Wow, Lily, the good girl did something bad?" He teased kissing me. I laughed. "Yeah, I have a bad streak." "Oh yeah? Like the time you forgot to wash Crepsley's cape? You're so bad." This summed up our relationship.
I giggled, and we started kissing. We loved playfully teasing each other and telling each other jokes. "Lillian?" I heard my father behind me. Evra and I stopped kissing. I jumped and turned around. "Hello, father." His wild red hair and scars on his face made him look menacing, and he always used that to his advantage. "I received a call from your history teacher saying that you were cutting class with your friends. Care to explain?" He narrowed his eyes. "I was trying to be spontaneous, and I used my power on the teacher to make the punishment less severe," I told him. I figured it would be best, to be honest. "Don't ever let it happen again. As punishment, you will clean the Wolf-man's cage for a month." He said. "Yes, father." "Good, now we gotta rehearse for the show." "Okay." My father had his performing tarantula Madam Octa. I can communicate with her, so I was part of the act as well. She was a very poisonous spider, but I knew how to gain her trust, so she never bit me. "Have fun," Evra said with a sympathetic smile. "I'll try," I answered, shrugging. "I love you," I called as I was walking backstage. "I love you too." He called back.

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