Disaster Strikes

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The next morning...
I woke up early and rode my bike to school. I wore a white blouse with blue jeans and black ballet flats. Since Steve knew that I'm a vampire I wanted to look as normal and mundane as possible. I saw Darren by his locker peering into his backpack. I walked up to him. He looked up and smiled. "Hey Lily."  I smiled. "Hi Darren." I shifted my backpack nervously. "You did awesome in the show last night." "Thank you. I'm grateful you guys came."  I opened my locker and put my books in it. "Are you okay?" He asked looking at me. "I'm fine." I answered. I heard a squeak come from his backpack. I raised an eyebrow.  "Why did your backpack just squeak?" He immediately went pale. "What are you talking about?" I looked in his backpack and saw Madam Octa peering out! "Darren, explain to me why you have my fathers' spider." I said in the sternest tone.  "After the show I snuck backstage and I kind of borrowed her." Darren said putting Octa back into the backpack.  "You stole from a vampire?!" Steve shouted in terror. I jumped, I didn't know he was behind me. "Do you realize you're a dead man! You're a dead man!"  "Shh!!" Darren and I quieted him so no one would hear us. "Wait, how much did you hear between me and Vur Horston?" Steve asked Darren. "Everything. Why would you want to become a vampire?" Darren asked clearly hurt. "You have everything, and what do I have? A secret best friend." I knew that Steve was hurting. I looked at him. "Steve, even though you know what I am. I hope that we're still friends. I don't want to lose you," tears were filling my eyes. I looked at Darren as well. "I don't want to lose you either." Steve stared at the ground for awhile and then back at me. "Of course we're still friends." He hugged me. For some reason the hug didn't seem genuine. Darren hugged me as well. "Don't worry. We're still friends." "Let me see." Steve was gesturing to the spider. "Be careful." Darren warned and I nodded in agreement. Over the years I've seen what Madam Octa can do and she could be the most ruthless spider when she wanted to be. Steve lifted the cage and Octa crawled backwards away from him. I could tell she was afraid of him. "It's even more hideous up close." "I wouldn't, she gets easily offended." I warned. The last person that called her hideous ended up being dead. Suddenly the bell rang and Steve accidentally dropped the cage and Octa crawled right out. "Oh no." I said in fear. I was whistling for her to come back, but I was getting her feelings that she was scared and didn't know what to do. Darren was trying to use the flute but some students accidentally bumped into him and he dropped it. Octa skidded across the floor from being kicked and she crawled up some lockers. Students were screaming and trying to avoid her, she landed on a students head and she tried to swat her away. "Come back!" I called for Octa telepathically. "Help me!" I heard her call back. I ran to where she was crawling up a window. She was struggling to get out because it was half open and she was too big to get through. Steve came running towards her with a broom ready to kill her! "Steve! What are you doing?!" I cried blocking him with my hands. If I had used my vampire strength then I could've thrown him through a wall. "Stop!" Darren yelled coming to help me. "Who's side are you guys on?!" Steve yelled back "Who's side are you on?!" I yelled back angrily. He pushed the window closed but the spider was nowhere to be found. The silence that followed was deafening. Suddenly we saw a huge shape crawling under Steve's shirt. "Don't move a muscle." I whispered. He didn't listen. He started freaking out as Octa started to climb up his stomach and on his face. She looked really angry. Just then she sank her fangs into his cheek! We all gasped as he collapsed to the ground unconscious. "Your friend is an idiot." Octa remarked telepathically. "You do realize he's gonna die." I whispered. "He shouldn't have tried to kill me." She said as she crawled into a classroom and through an open window, I knew she would find her way back to the Cirque; she's an intelligent spider, but I knew my father was going to be furious when he finds out what happened.  "Call 911!" Darren shouted as I tried to see the damage Octa had done. She bit Steve hard in the face. His skin was already starting to turn pale white and his lips were turning blue and the bite marks on his face were getting infected. He didn't have much time.

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