Secrets Revealed

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I met up with Darren and Steve just before school was starting. Darren was telling us that he had gotten in so much trouble with his parents and he said that he wasn't allowed to be friends with Steve anymore. "Wait, you told you're parents you're not gonna be friends with me anymore?" "Yeah, but it doesn't mean anything. We're still best friends." Darren answered sheepishly. "So we're like secret best friends?" "Kind of." Darren answered. "Did they say we can't be friends anymore?" I asked him curiously. "No, they like you." I could tell he wasn't trying to hurt Steve. "Maybe they're right. You shouldn't be friends with me. I'm nothing, I'm garbage." That broke my heart. "You're not garbage." Darren and I said at the same time.  "You're our best friend, Steve." I said reassuringly. Suddenly out of the distance, a black and purple limousine came driving down the road. I got a cold feeling in the pit of my stomach. The limousine belonged to Mr. Desmond Tiny. He could travel to the other side and back to life and he could bring people back from the dead. The people at the Cirque and the Vampire Council feared him. The vampires had a good reason to fear him because he's a strong ally to the vampaneze, who were our mortal enemies. "You okay?" I felt Steve touch my shoulder and Darren had a concerned look on his face. I could feel myself go paler as the limousine approached us.
The window rolled down and a green flyer flew out and landed on the ground in front of us. It was a flyer to the Cirque du Freak. Was I going to have to explain to them that I was in it? Darren picked the flyer up and examined it. "Wow, Cirque du Freak the Worlds Greatest Freak Show. 500 years, what the heck?" "That looks awesome!" Steve exclaimed. "I can't go, I'm grounded for two months."  Darren said looking glum. "Yeah, and we're not friends anymore."  They suddenly got an idea. "Let's go tonight,"  Steve said, I've never seen him this excited about anything in a while. "Are you in, Lily?" Darren asked.
I could tell they knew something was up. I figured it was time to tell them the truth. I would tell them I was in the freak show, and I wouldn't tell them I was a vampire. We would all be dead meat if I told them. "About that, there's something I need to tell you guys." "What's wrong?" Steve asked.
I took a deep breath. "I'm in the freak show."  "What? But you look completely normal." Darren said confused. "I have this ability to communicate with animals and I can hypnotize. I've had it my entire life. Please don't make fun of me." I said shifting nervously. "Why would we make fun of you?" Darren asked looking sympathetic. "Because I'm not normal. Everyone already thinks I'm a freak."  Tears prickled in my eyes. "I don't want you guys to think that about me." "We don't." Steve said. "You're awesome. You're a great friend." Darren gave me a hug and so did Steve. "The fact that you're in the show gives us a better reason to go." Steve said. I smiled. "Thanks guys." I hugged them back.

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