Chapter 26

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"The sperm donor was arrested yesterday. He will probably go away forever along with Greg. The DA here is throwing every charge he can at Greg. Too bad the DA is a nasty guy himself. Since yesterday was ruined for the STD test Dr Green will be doing it today. So after school head over to Dr. Green." Axel said as we walked to St Charles for our morning run. 

 "Now I just have one shark circling me. Oh goody." I sarcastically joked. 

 "You know we'll get him too. We are the best team, right? You wouldn't join the second best, would you?" Axel teased.

 "I mean you're the best now that I'm here." I teased back and then took off at a run.

I was hanging out with my bestie at our bench for lunch when the terrible loner approached with my Greek God and Ginger. 

 "Superman! Honey! Stick in the ass! What are you all doing here?" I asked excitedly as I hugged Silas and Nathan. 

 "We wanted to see how you were Miss Sorenson. We saw on the new that you were abducted yesterday." Stick in the ass said. I could hear the silent accusation that I didn't tell them anything. 

 "Worried about me Stick in the ass? Don't worry. It was all planned out so nothing could go wrong. I was never in danger which is why I'm here with you now." I said cheekily. 

 "It still would have been nice to find out from you instead of the news Peanut." Nathan said with a frown. 

 "I'm sorry honey. By the time I got home I was exhausted as you can imagine. Even when you know someone is planning to abduct you and it's planned out it's still stressful." I said with a shrug. I realized I should probably message my other boys. I'm surprised they haven't blown my phone up yet. They knew about our plan, but I never messaged them that I was ok. I sent a quick text and they thanked me for letting them know personally. They already knew though because my Toma guys had messaged them on my behalf explaining that I passed out. 

 "Aggele Mou would you go to dinner with us tonight?" Silas asked. 

 "Is Stick in the Ass included?" I asked. 

 "If you prefer, I not be there Miss Sorenson then no. I would like to be there though." Stick in the ass said. 

 "I suppose it wouldn't be the worst if you were there. Sure. Would 7 pm be fine? I've got things to do like schoolwork." I said. 

 "We're fine with that Peanut. Where would you suggest?" Nathan asked. After suggesting a place the guys agreed and left.


DA Anthony Bianchi entered the holding cell where the defendant was with his court appointed public defender.

 "Here's the deal. You can waste my time in court and go to jail forever and die there. Or you can take this plea agreement and work with us against Mr. Sorenson. You won't waste my time in court you'll be guilty as you are. You'll be able to appeal in 50 years. That's your best deal. I won't give another. You have the option to get out as an old man and die at home. Or rot in jail and die there. It's up to you." DA Bianchi said as he sat down across from the scum. 

"That's a shitty deal! That's the best you can do? I've heard about you. I know you can do better." Greg complained. 

 "I could but you messed with my bride. Sang Roberts is mine. You touched what was mine. Be lucky that you have the chance go home when you're in your 70's. It's the best deal you'll get after messing with what's mine. If you don't believe me that you'll definitely be found guilty in court and sentenced to life, then ask your defense attorney." DA Bianchi said. Greg looked at his defense attorney and didn't even have to ask as the defense attorney nodded. 

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