Chapter 1

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"I quit." I said angrily as I slapped the rag down. I've been working at Crescent City Diner since I moved to New Orleans at 18. I was now in my last year at Tulane and 20. Crescent City Diner was under new, sleazy management. The manager had just smacked me on my ass yet again. That was my last straw. I grabbed my stuff and told him good luck with my tables as I was the only waitress and I walked out to my car. I drove to my apartment and parked outside of it.

I called my dad after I walked in. "How's my favorite daughter doing?" Dr Roberts asked. 

"I could be better dad. I just quit my job. It's under new management and they're disgusting. Constantly sexually harassing us. I know you'd want to know which is why I'm calling. I'm fine so don't worry. I'm going to start job hunting. It shouldn't be hard to find something else." I said. 

"Actually there's an academy team there and one of them opened a coffee shop in your neighborhood. You could work there, and he even wants to have a singer on the weekends." Dr Roberts said. 

"Really dad? What's the name I'll head there now." I said.

Once upon a time I would refuse this wanting to stay away from Academy people, but I let go of that resentment. I couldn't blame all because of nine boys. I actually don't even blame most of that team anymore. I knew from Gabriel's statement that not all of them agreed but they didn't want to tear the team up over it. They were a fond memory now. I've dated since but nothing ever became serious. Not because I was holding onto those nine guys or my traumatic past but because I focused on school and work. Not to mention I also focused on Tae Kwan Do and learning the guitar. I kept myself busy. Lilly had recommended me a therapist here in New Orleans. I worked on myself and I'm proud of how far I've come. I can take showers again and my nightmares were fewer. I was physically healthy. I was in a good place.

"The place is called Coffleur De Bean and is actually on the corner of your street and Magazine." Dr Roberts said. 

"Oh hey, I've seen it but haven't been in it yet. I'll go there right now. Thank you so much dad. I love you!" I said. 

"I love you too Munchkin." Dr Roberts said. I groaned. I've told him a million times to kill that nickname, but he refuses due to how short I am. "Bye dad." I said. I didn't bother to say anything as it was an argument that would never end. He'd still keep calling me Munchkin. I've accepted this.

I walked the three blocks to Coffleur De Bean and walked inside. A handsome man was behind the counter with mismatched eyes. I froze because I knew those eyes. It can't be. 

"Well, well, well if it isn't the girl who is fast with a nail gun." Marc said with a smile. It is. Fuck. My. Life. 

"Yes, yes, it is. That's me. Unfortunate that you remember me as that girl." I said. 

"It's a fond memory for me. You know most let Cupid do the shooting as his aim is never off." Marc said. 

"You should be glad mine was off. I'm not sure if a nail to the heart would do quite the same job as a magical arrow from Cupid would." I said. 

"Very true. How can I help you?" Marc asked. 

"Dr Roberts told me to come here for a job. I'm a great waitress. I can cook and bake as well. Also, he said you're looking for a singer. I do that sometimes over on Frenchman St but if you need someone then I won't have to go as far." I said with a hopeful smile. 

"You didn't have to even tell me any of that and I'd hire you. Family helps family. So since you're Dr. Roberts family then I'll help you. You're hired." Marc said. I shook his hand and smiled. He walked to the back then came back. 

"Here's the paperwork. Go ahead, sit down at a table, and fill it out. What kind of coffee would you like?" Marc asked. I looked at his menu. 

"Something sweet. Surprise me." I said. "One drink as sweet as you coming up." Marc said.

I sat at a table and began filling out the paperwork. He came over and set a coffee cup in front of me. I saw he had made pretty artwork in the foam before I took a sip. 

"Wow. You're good with the artwork and it tastes as good as you made it look." I said. 

"I'm glad you like it. So is the Blackbourne team here too?" Marc asked. 

"Nope. We went our own way years ago." I said as I continued filling out the tax questions. 

"Really? Those fools let you go?" Marc asked surprised. 

"It was quite the surprise. I was planning on asking them for a long-distance relationship so I could go to college here. I thought I was in for a fight. But before we could get to what I wanted to discuss they broke up with me. I'm not mad. I wanted to come here to be able to learn to stand on my two feet anyways. Just wasn't the way I imagined coming here to learn to stand on my own." I said with a shrug. 

"We didn't work out either with Kaylie. She broke up with us for someone who wasn't Academy. I'm like you and don't regret it. She was toxic for us and her leaving helped us see that." Marc said. 

"Is that what brought you out here?" I asked. 

"I guess you could say so. We wanted a fresh start. They have a great aquarium here that recruited Axel offering him better pay. Obviously, the tourism here is great for my coffee shop. Corey can do tech work anywhere. Raven can also teach self-defense anywhere so also an easy transfer. Same with Brandon in the auto business. So it was an easy move for us." Marc said. 

"It's actually a relief to have an Academy family here that I know a little bit." I said. 

"I agree." Marc said. It felt like he was looking at me with the interest from a man to a woman. I wasn't opposed to it either.

"I'm finished with the paperwork." I said handing it to him. He brushed my fingers as he took it from me. 

"When can you bring the identification I'll need?" Marc asked. 

"I can go get it now. I just live three blocks away. Just let me pay for my coffee first." I said. 

"You work here now. It's on the house." Marc said. 

"Are you sure?" I asked. 

"Yes, you're good. Perks of employment. When you get back with the required identification, we'll discuss schedules." Marc said. "Sounds great. I'll be right back." I said with a grin as I walked out the door.

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