Chapter 25

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The next day Axel and I went for our usual run without Raven and Marc. We decided that there was no way Greg would strike this early after driving all day as Corey indicated that he didn't stop for rest. After the run I showered and got ready for school. 

 "What does one wear as an abduction victim? If I'm stuck in the trunk it'll be hot, I mean this is the deep south after all and it's only September. But a skirt might be too tempting for that sicko. I guess I'll do a tank top and jeans with my Keds." I said to myself. After I dressed, I grabbed my things and exited my room. 

 "Come eat breakfast with your guards little Bean!" Marc called from the kitchen.

"Good morning my Rockstar and Big Bear." I said kissing them both. I sat down on a stool to eat my pancakes with fruit. 

 "I give fruit moy malen'kiy kotenok." Raven said nodding at the fruit on my pancakes. 

 "Thank you, Big Bear." I said with a giggle. 

 "So here's the plan. I'll follow you on foot since I'm less noticeable then that big ass crow. He'll follow by car as we'll need a vehicle to be able to follow quickly so we don't lose you. Have your phone in your jean pocket because when it's time Corey is going to zap you. When you get that zap kick out the taillight. Our story to the police is going to be that you zapped us alerting us that you were in trouble. We got your phones signal and caught up. We saw the taillight get kicked out which told us which car you were in and so we called the police to tell them. We need a believable tale for how we found you. Hopefully numb nuts is too dumb to take your phone. If he puts you in the car instead then we'll zap you so you know to start struggling and sitting up so we can say we saw, you in the car. Got it?" Marc asked. 

 "Yep! Let's do this!" I said.

At Raven's car he stopped me and gave me a deep kiss. 

 "Be safe moy malen'kiy kotenok." Raven said. 

 "Of course. If I'm not Big Bear will be on the attack." I said. Raven got in his car and I headed down the street to catch my streetcar. Marc stayed a block behind. When I got on the streetcar, I took a seat at the front and Marc went to the back. I met up with Lana at our bench. 

 "Hey girl." I said. 

 "Hey! No breakfast this time?" Lana asked.

 "Nope. Marc made me breakfast and his infamous coffee." I said lifting my to-go mug up. 

"Nice. You're so lucky. I mean PJ's is good. Don't get me wrong. But it's not Marc good." Lana said with a pout. I giggled at that. 

 "Hey, later I might probably get abducted. It's an Academy thing so please don't stop it. I don't want you getting hurt." I said. 

 "Ok. Gotcha girl. Don't stop my bestie from being kidnapped. Check." Lana said. 

 "I think the correct term is abducted since I'm not a kid. Do make sure to dial 911 though, please! Assuming it happens in front of you." I said. 

 "Do I give a description? Assuming I see it happen." Lana asked. My phone chirped.

Code: Tell her to give the make and color. We don't want him caught before crossing the state line.

"You can give the basics. Like if it's a Ford for example. You can tell them it's a blue Ford Focus. But nothing more. Like if you get the license plate definitely not. We want the culprit to cross the state line to make the crime more serious." I said. 

 "Ok, got it. I'm assuming you have boyfriends somewhere in hiding." Lana said. 

 "You assume correctly." I said happily. 

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