"You're Gonna Be So Dead If..."

459 33 3

[At 9.00 P.M.]
*You keep walking back and forth in your friend's room*

"Choa,please dig me a grave" you say this for the fifth time.

"Yeah Yeah,I'm on it" she replies in an unbothered tone.

"Oof,you're of no help at all. My stress level is gonna hit the roof" You say back in an anxious tone.

"Well,it's your fault. You're stressing over nothing." Your friend says.

You frown and sit down beside her on the bed by forcefully making space. Your friend has always been straightforward and practical. It's not like you're impractical, but whevner you fall into these unexpected situations,you tend to lose your cool.

"Why are you like this? Maybe at least help me calm down?" You state it in an annoyed tone.

Your friend finally perks her head out of the book she was reading.

"So,what do you want me to do? I don't know how to calm people down. I just speak facts" she replies with a calm expression while fixing her glasses on the bridge of her nose with her index finger.

"And you're acting as if you're gonna meet some otherworldly being tomorrow. Just relax and get some sleep" she says again.

You plop back on the bed and spread your hands on both side,"Well, I don't know if he was kidding or whatever,but i still have to go back home tomorrow by that road" you say while remembering how your mom lectured you a while ago,because you came here without telling her beforehand. But it's not like you knew you would have to crash here either.

Your friend puts her glasses down and sets her book aside to plop down next to you on the bed.

"Besides,what's the worst thing that can happen?" She starts talking again.

"If he shows up,then you go on a date with him. And if he doesn't show up, you can finally get over him. Not to forget,that you only wanted to confess to him without expecting anything in return in the first place" your friend says in a somewhat sleepy voice while you close your eyes and listen to her.

She continues again,"So it's a win-win situation for you. Just take it as an experiment or an adventure and go along with it."

"Hmm" you mumble and crawl on your back to reach the pillow. Your friend does the same.

This whole day has been full of stress and anxiety. So, you're extremely tired. Even though the tension of what's gonna happen tomorrow is still in your mind,you slowly drift to sleep. And the last thing you remember before falling asleep,is your freind's weight on your back, as she hugs you like a pillow and whispers,"Good night, baby".

[At 9:40 A.M.]
You shot open your eyes and blink a several times.

"I feel like I'm forgetting something" is, what you think to yourself.

But you can't seem to remember what you're forgetting.So you turn over and hug your friend who's sleeping like a dead person beside you and you go back to sleep.

Not that deep into the sleep,you suddenly see the face of Choi San. You see him smiling at you while his dimples pop out and unknowingly you also start giggling in your sleep.

Until he says,"You're gonna be so dead if you don't show up" with that smiling face and you Shot up from your sleep slapping your friend In the process.

"Yeah,Yeah I'm up mom!" Your friend also shots up and blurts out. She then hurriedly looks around with her sleepy eyes and then looks at you.

Maybe she realized what happened or maybe she didn't. Regardless of anything, she again falls back on her pillow.

Your friend's parents went to attend the funeral of a distant relative. But your friend insisted on staying home. So her parents forcefully made her stay at their neighbour's for a day.
But thanks to your unexpected visit, she was saved.

"Baby,don't ever wake anyone up like that again,they could die of a heart attack" your friend says in a groggy voice.

You look for a clock all over the room. "Ugh, how many times do i have to tell you to get a clock?" You say angrily while searching for your phone.

"It's in the second drawer. I hid it because it makes me feel like I never have enough time" your friend replies.

By the time she replies, you already found your phone,but you stop to give her a "sigh of disgust" (-_-). Then you proceed to check the time.

"OH NO. It's 9:45!" you scream.

It takes ten minutes from here to the park. But you know it will take more than ten minutes for you to calm your anxiety, then imagining the worst case scenarios, then finally bringing your head to reality, getting dressed, having breakfast?maybe not and then finally heading out.

You walk back and forth inside the room,with both of your hands doing different gestures, because you don't know how or where to rest them. Head is full of thoughts, yet you can't think straight.

Right in that moment, you feel the pressure of "Nature's call" in your bladder and run to the bathroom. Thanks to that, you finally calm down a bit and freshen up.

"It's no big deal. Just a date. People around the world are going through many worst things, while I'm worrying myself over a date?So lame!" You talk to your reflection on the bathroom mirror. You do it every time before facing stressful situations.

While the impact doesn't stay that long,but it's still enough effective to push you out of the house. You get out of the bathroom and get dressed quickly.

Note : I'm back after 3 months because I got creative blocks and some health issues. But I will try to finish this ff without disappearing again.

Twist || Choi SanTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon