"Is Anyone There?"

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You borrowed an outfit from your friend. Because you stained yours last night by accidentally dropping half of the food in your plate on yourself. Why? Because you were busy dazing off, lost in thought.

But even if you hadn't stained your dress, it's not like you would've gone on a "supposed date" wearing an outfit that you wore the night before the date. You also borrow a side hanging bag from her and put your money and phone there.

Anyways, you quickly make your hair into a half down ponytail and put on light make-up. Then you put on your watch and look at the time to see it's already 9:55!

You turn to your friend who's still sleeping. "How can you still be asleep? You even went to bed early last night" you say to her.

What you didn't know is that, your friend woke up two hours later, after you fell asleep. Then she worked on her ongoing web novel 'til 3 a.m. She told you about her novel, but she didn't tell you that she had already started working on it.

"I'm leaving" you say as you walk towards the door.

"Comebcak here after the date babe and tell me things in detail. I need to know for sCiEnTiFic purpose" your friend replies in a groggy voice.

"Ok,ok. Don't sleep for too long, see you." You get out of the house, take a deep breath and start walking towards the park with quick but steady steps.

[10 : 15 a.am. at the park]

As soon as you reach the park you look at your watch (actually you kept taking sneak peaks into your watch the whole way to the park) to see it's 10:15, already 15 minutes late on the first meet.

You stand at the same spot where you where waiting for San last night. You look around in search of him. And wonder if he is here yet. But as far as you've observed him, usually he's always punctual in school or in other places. Anyways, you kind of stroll around the park, then take out your phone and play some games in it. Then you fix your hair by looking at your reflection on the phone camera. Later, you put the phone inside your bag. Restless, you look at your phone again. It's 10:35 now.

You've been waiting for 20 minutes, but there's no sign of him. Is he actually coming? Or maybe you were right. He was just kidding.

When that thought crosses your mind, you feel ashamed to have fallen for his prank. Anger clouds over your head and you decide not to waste even one more second here.
"But what if he's actually stuck in some unexpected errand?" Suddenly your inner voice calls out to you. You pause and start fidgeting. Maybe you should try waiting for another 30 minutes? Since you've already spent some time here, it shouldn't matter if you waited a bit more right? But what if he stands you up?

"Ah it's so frustrating" you say out loud, while ruffling your hair and then you start pacing back and forth. Right at that moment, you hear a faint sound. It sounds like a.....human voice? You're not too sure. But you're kind of sure that this sound is coming from somewhere inside the park. But how? This park has been abandoned for almost 5 months now and since you came here, you didn't see any other people going in there. Since you're standing at the entrance of the park, there's no way you wouldn't see anyone if they tried to go inside the park. On top of that, people are not allowed there and the whole park is kinda barricated and sealed off. So there's no way anyone can sneak in from behind.

"What if it's a ghost? " Of course, this idiotic thought doesn't forget to cross your mind right at this moment. You slap yourself to get this idea out of your mind.

"Or what if someone broke in to hide a dead body but then the person they thought was dead wasn't really dead and they striked the killer......." Really? You should stop watching "conspiracy theories" and stop being so dramatic sometimes.

Anyway, you still pick up a stone from near the ground and slowly make your way over to where you think the sound is coming from.

"This is exactly how people die in horror stories"

"But this isn't a horror story this is real life"

Your innet thoughts starts to argue with each other. Each contradicting the other.

"Did I tell You? This is also how stupid people die in real life trying to be the hero"

"Oh please. What if someone's in trouble?"

"Then you be smart and call the cops"


"Ah shut up. Just for today, brain, my buddy, please don't over think" you say to your self.

Then you start proceeding ahead, leaping over the barricades. The sound starts becoming clearer, as you get closer to the "supposed source" of the sound.


Finally, you can now clearly hear what they were saying. But you're still exactly not sure where the voice is coming from and it also sounds kind of....familiar?         

Note : I didn't describe y/n's outfit 'cause i suck at describing outfits and also because I wanted to leave it to the readers' own imagination. Also at this point, I don't even know anymore in which direction the story is going Lol. So, we'll just see.

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