"Wha-t are you-"

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*Dialogues in this font means that the characters are screaming/talking loudly (It's mostly San in the beginning 'cause he doesn't know how far Y/N is from him)*

*Dialogues in this font means that the characters are talking loudly. Louder than their talking voice but not entirely screaming*

"Umm...yes, I'm here" you answer to the voice, still not knowing where it's coming from.

"Y/N! Is that you? It's me San! I fell into this hole"

At first, when you heard your name you were startled, then upon learning that it's actually a person and not some other worldly being you were kinda relieved, but realizing that it's San and your brain emphasizing on his last line, you burst out laughing. and all these emotions and expressions came over you very quickly, you couldn't control it.

It's just that the thought of
"not-so-clumsy" Choi San falling into a hole in broad daylight and out of the blue created a pretty funny image in your head. But hey, accidents happen!

You feel bad for laughing at his misery and quickly try to contain your laughter. But before you can stop yourself San speaks out, "It's not funny you know. I'm injured and I've also got company whose injured as well"

'Company? Just how many people fell into that hole?' you think to yourself.

"I'm really sorry, that was stupid of me. But where's the hole? Where are you speaking from?"

"Just try to follow my voice and watch your step while you do so, OK?" he says.

"OK" you reply and crouch down. Since this place is full of grass because of being abandoned, it's no surprise for a hole to go unnoticed. You follow San's voice, walk ahead while squatting and tap your hands on the ground, so that you don't fall in one yourself and add to his misery. While doing so you discover many holes in the ground indeed, but all of those were very small for a person's whole body to get stuck in. But at the same time, if a person were to walk among these hole, they'd either trip or get their feet stuck in these. Come to think of it, these holes could be because of plucking out the ride equipments of the amusement park. (I hope I make sense T-T)

But how did San avoid these small holes and ended up at a big one? Unless he was leaping through the air, it's not possible for him to avoid these. Suddenly, an image of a wild San leaping through the air crossed your mind, "Pfft" there you go again.

"I can hear you, Just what is so funny?"

You resist your laugh again. His voice is now crisp clear and very loud, you might be close. No sooner had you thought that than you found the hole a few steps ahead of you. Without making any noise, you crawled ahead.

"Y/N, are you there?" he was getting impatient.

"Found you!" you reply to him, crouching down to see down the hole.

"Ah! That was fast!" he flinched followed by a surprised look in his eyes. His face had a scratch and filled with dirt.

He was leaning against the wall of the hole in a weird position and you noticed a cat in his arms, which he was holding very carefully.

He was leaning against the wall of the hole in a weird position and you noticed a cat in his arms, which he was holding very carefully

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"This was the company you were talking about?" you ask.

"Yeah. I'll tell you everything after I come up. Speaking of which, got any idea to get me out of here?" he asks.

"Wouldn't it be safe to call the cops?" you add suggestively.

"Well, that could get us into more trouble since we're in a 'No-trasspassing-area' in the first place" he frowns and sighs.

It totally slipped from your mind that this was a forbidden place. You start thinking of other ways to help him.

"Y/N take the cat first. It's injured. I will somehow find a way to come up" he adds holding up the cat to your direction.

" 'Ever-so-kind' Choi San" you think to yourself.

"Just wait a bit more. I'll save you both" you assure him then around the area quickly. The hole itself isn't too steep, it's just a few feet higher than San's own height and also not too narrow or big in width. He can actually come up if he holds onto something and supports his body up using his feet. If only there was a rope or something similar like it.

You spend another while looking for a rope or something long and strong enough for San to get a grip hold on, but in vain. So you decide to pull him up yourself. You sit in a good position, finding your grip on the ground and extend your hand to first take the cat.

"Give me the cat first, then I'll pull you up" you say to him.

He paused in the middle, "I don't think that'll work. Her head is injured but she might still take off running as soon as you put her on the ground, we need to get her injuries checked. You better take her to the nearest vet and in the mean time I'll figure something out" he was adamant.

You also just noticed the injuries on the cat, it is pretty bad. But leaving him alone doesn't sit right with you either.

"Oh! We can call some of your friends to come help" you blurt out.

"Not happening. First of all, they went on a trip and second of all I forgot my phone at home" a faint tint of red appears near his ears as he tries to avoid eye contact.


"Well then we just have to stick to this plan. Hurry give me the cat I'll try to hold her carefully with one hand and you can come up holding onto my other hand" you say desperately.

He looks doubtful. Then suddenly his eyes lit up. "How come I didn't think of this before?" he says as he holds the cat in his left hand and starts.......taking off his shirt.

"Wha-t are you-" before you can finish he already took of the shirt.

Note : I'm sorry T-T *runs away*

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