The Li(f)e You Live.

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I lived in a world
where no one died.
It was a dream.
I had to wake up
because sleep
brought up the evil in the mind
The emotional pain
of being told that your
not the same.
No matter how hard,
you try.
You will never heal,
because you kept
pretending your not hurt
instead you smiled.
Trust me i get you,
I understand you.
You were not hurting,
it wasn't painful.
You convinced yourself
and everyone that you've moved on.
But this wound of yours,
you carried it from prematurity
to forced adolescence
Forced,were not ready.
In you,
you played with marbles
and spinning tops

Wake up Likhona!
This is twelve years later
You don't let go!
you not aching anymore!
But it's not good for you
Wake up!
I'm begging you,
the monster is not under the bed.
It's not real,
it's all in your head!
stop reliving,
that moment.
Wake up,stop dreaming!

He won't hurt you.
anymore .

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