Baby girl

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Dear Her,

I want to walk every inch of the earth with you. I want to swim in the deepest, darkest parts of the ocean with you. I want to climb the tallest mountains with you. I want to go on adventures with you by my side.

I want to jump off of the highest point in Indiana with you: Hoosier Hill. I want to climb the Purina tower and fall asleep underneath the stars with you. I want to take millions of selfies in front of the Eiffel tower with you. I want to spend all of my life savings on books from the bookmobile park with you. I will buy you a million books. I want to have adrenaline rushing through my veins when I ride the backyard rollercoasters in Indiana with you. I want to go to the "Before I die" wall and write a million phrases about you: Before I die I want to kiss you. Before I die I want to watch the sunset with you. Before I die I want to get naked underneath the cover of darkness with you. Before I die I want to read a million books and drink warm coffee with you. Before I die I want to eat cereal for dinner and pizza for breakfast with you. I want to go swimming inside the Blue Hole (Bahamas) and try and find the bottom with you. I want to go so deep into the water that my lungs burn and scream for air. I want to go so deep that my brain almost explodes. But I know that I will always come back up for air. Because of you and your gorgeous smile.

There are endless opportunities out there that we need to reach for, and once we get one, we must never let go. I will never let go of you. There are so many different directions we could go. There are so many possibilities. And I want to go in every single direction with you. I want to experience every possibility with your hand in mine; your skin against mine. I want to experience everything life throws at me with you. I want to spend all of my days in your arms, listening to My Chemical Romance so loud that our ears bleed and our goth hearts explode. I want to drive along every road, going ninety with the windows down. I want to glance away from the road to look at you. I want you beside me, your hair raging in the wind and your fascinating smile as beautiful as ever. I want to experience all of the good days with you. I want to experience all of the bad days with you. I want to experience everything with you. Everything old and everything new.

Food for thought: What's all of this passion for? We all fight to be the best. We fight to be the prettiest, the hottest, the strongest. We fight to be above everyone. We claw away at everyone else's skin and bone and turn it into our castle which raises us above everybody. But one day that castle with fall and crumble. Nothing lasts forever. Nothing is permanent. We are all broken. We are all beaten. In the end, we are all mean and ugly on the inside. Every single one of us. No matter how much makeup we put on or how slutty we dress, we are all ugly. Except you. You are an angel. My angel. You are pure. You are beautiful.

The two of us, we're just Young Gods.

Fuck. Them. All.

Stay magical, baby girl.

Sincerely, Brookie.

Sincerely, Brookie.Where stories live. Discover now