9. Cuts

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Question of the chapter:

Would you rather be hot or cold

Yoongi grabbed the blade he just bought from the store and put it to his thigh. He was hesitant for a second. He hadn't done this since trainee days but nevertheless put it to his skin.


Footsteps. He put a towel around his thigh and put his comforter over him getting onto his phone. His door opened up and Jin came in. "Everyone is going out." That's all he said before shutting the door and a few minutes later the front door shut. No invite. What did he expect?

He wrapped up his thigh and decided to got to sleep for the night.

Next day
Yoongi was going to get some beats done today and walked into the kitchen where everyone was eating.

"Yoongi. Eat before you go." Seokjin said. Why was he being nice? Last time he checked they couldn't care less about him.

He grabbed Korean street toast that seokjin had made and ate it while he drank his water. "Ok I'm off." He said and grabbed his keys.

Yoongi didn't know if he had ever felt more frustrated in his life. He had a song due today and he couldn't think of what was wrong with the beat. There was definitely something wrong with it but he didn't know what.

Tears of frustration came out of his eyes and he banged his head against his desks. "I can't do it!" He shouted out into the small studio. "I can't do this anymore" he cried into his palms.

Then it clicked. He snapped his head back up and changed the melody just a tiny bit and it was perfect. It sounded great so he added it to the musical flash drive and sent it to his manager.

It was only 6pm and he decided to go back home.

Once yoongi entered the dorm he heard crying. Specially little kookie crying. What happened? He walked into the living room to see everyone surrounding kookie with a bruise on his head and he gasped.

"This is all your fault!" Seokjin yelled and stood up. "W-What?" He furrowed his eyebrows together in confusion. "If you cleaned that room of yours he wouldn't have tripped!" His hyung yelled at him.

What was kookie doing in his room? "I" he tried to speak but was cut off. "Don't speak to any of us. Nobody wants you to." Chills went through yoongi's body and he knew he was going to cry.

Yoongi nodded and went to his room where he locked it behind him. But when he looked at his bed and snuggles was gone. Where was snuggles?

He ran back out and saw jungkook holding his favorite stuffed animal. He couldn't hold back his anger and slipped into his head space. "Give snuggles back!" They all looked at him. "Now! You can have hyungies. You can even have daddy! but you can not have snuggles!"

He stomped over to jungkook in the couch and snatched the stuffed penguin from jungkook and he started to cry again.

He couldn't care less and ran back to his room ignoring all the mean things they were shouting to him.

"How could you leave me for him? Kookie really is better than Yoonie." He said regressing farther into his head space. "I f-forgive you. You yoongi's o-only friend. Why don't daddy want Yoonie anymore. Yoonie a-a bad b-boy." He hugged snuggles and fell asleep to nothing but his own crying and hiccups.

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