7. Blood

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Question of the chapter:

Any siblings?

Yoongi sat in his studio in the dark sobbing into his hands. He had been in here for a few hours now and he was starting to think he would never go home. He was going to get screamed at and told to fuck himself. If not about anything but about what he said to the precious maknae.

What if they kicked him out for good? Where would he go? No doubt he deserved it but he would have to stay in his studio.

His phone started lighting up in the dark room and ringing again for the millionth time. This time it was seokjin who was calling. He had left the house 5 hours ago And they had called non-stop. Not out of concern but out of anger.

He let it ring until the phone went dark again and he walked over the the couch falling asleep from how long he had cried.

The members were calling him non-stop. They were all pissed that he had left but were more pissed he hadn't came back yet. Kookie had cried after the front door slammed shut and they didn't even take into consideration why he lashed out besides the fact that he's a "jerk" and a "fucking idiot"

"Why isn't he back yet! I can't yell at him because he's not answering the phone but I need to yell at him!" The leader almost threw his phone on the ground but seokjin stopped him.

"Don't do that. We will wait for him to get back ok? He can't stay in there forever." Jin guided him to the couch and they all watched tv until midnight when they heard the door open.

A very tired yoongi ignored everyone while walked to the living area and walk towards the hallway where his room was but namjoon speed walked towards him and lifted him up by the collar. "Who the fuck told you you could act like that!" The leader spat in his face. "Fuck off namjoon" he said while trying to get out of his hold.

"What the fuck did you say?" Namjoon scoffed and with his other hand punched Yoongi square in the face. He dropped yoongi and the smaller landed on his feet.

"What the fuck namjoon!" He yelled as he held his bleeding nose. The rest were too shocked to even move. Before Namjoon knew what was coming for him Yoongi punched him back making the younger stumble.

They ended up crashing to the floor and punching each other wherever they could. Yoongi was on top and winning until he was kneed in the gut hard.

Yoongi went weak and namjoon rolled over to where he was on top punching yoongi's face over and over again.

Seokjin had been trying to pull each other apart like the rest of BTS but the producers were to strong. Eventually namjoon decided he was done and got up looking at his bruised fist. Meanwhile, Yoongi was in the floor looking like he was about to pass out while holding his gut and silently crying.

"Namjoon!" Seokjin screamed and Hoseok crouched down touching the olders face gently making Yoongi cry out in pain.

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