Saving the nun (rewrite)

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After the fight with Freed, Raian is now running toward the meeting spot with Asia

Raian shouting: Asia! Asia! Asia!

Asia: I'm here Raian

Raian: alright let head back to my Dojo you can stay as long as you want

Asia: thank you Raian you are the first friend that I make back in the church people always call me holy maiden just because I have my sacred gear, I cannot make a friend back then that is why I want to remove it

She start to crying Raian pet her head

Raian: come now you already got one friend that is me Dio!

She laughed
Time skip Dojo

Inside Dojo
Raynare: this is so boring when is he coming back I have already prepared the dinner why did I stay here anyway, right I have no where else to go!

She thinking when she is with Raian feel different more than normal human there is other aura within him she just can't the finger around it
The door open there is Raian and other one was a nun

Asia: y..y you're miss Raynare right why are you here?
Raynare: I was here before you ask I got my ass beating and got no where to go so I staying at his Dojo and making Food for him as a payment.

Raian: I never agree with any of those thing that you just said!
Raynare: come on you know you want it, oh right you suppose to go to church why are you here is it because of Fr-

Asia: yes Freed he killed the innocent people and got into a fight with Mr Raian, and he got pierced through his shoulder by Mr Rajan bare hand!

Raian: alright stop with Mr shit just call me Raian

Asia: ok sure Mm- Raian wow look at those dinner I never actually try any Japanese food Miss Raynare are you cooking all of this

Raynare: yes I am
She stand proudly

Raian: let just eat and sleep.
Time skip morning 10:30 am

In the kuoh town

Raian: are you hungry Asia
The sound suddenly coming from Asia stomach
Her face is now red from embarrassment

Raian: I take that as a yes

In the restaurant

Asia: want this thing call boger!

Raian: it call burger Asia have you try it

The Raian burger have arrive first Asia look at it with watering mouth

Raian: do you want to try it out

Asia: how do I eat it?

Raian: just take a bite but not too big bite it can make you chok-
Asia take one big bite leaving only half of the burger

Raian: dang are you ok Asia is it delicious?

Asia: this is best thing I have ever eaten in my life

Raian: let go checkout around the town
Time skip evening

Raian Kure the devil slayer (DXD x kengan ashura)Where stories live. Discover now