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THANKS TO DAHLIA'S NEW VAMPIRE REFLEXES, she managed to move out of the way before the crazy bitch Hayley could tackle her

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THANKS TO DAHLIA'S NEW VAMPIRE REFLEXES, she managed to move out of the way before the crazy bitch Hayley could tackle her. The vampire stood over the girl, who was now face down on the ground. Dahlia pressed the top of her high heel on her head and leaned down while speaking.

"Do that again and I'll happily tear your heart out of your chest."

"Do it then." Hayley challenged, her voice muffled from her head being pushed against the floor. Dahlia couldn't help but applaud her for her confidence.

"But your poor baby will grow up without a mommy." She tutted while shaking her head. "Oh well. Not my problem." The immortal kicked Hayley in the stomach and intended on doing much more before Niklaus pushed her roughly away from the girl. Dahlia groaned as she got up from the floor, her eyes shooting daggers at the blonde man.

"Enough." Niklaus said lowly, his voice stern. The raven-haired girl smiled at him with no authenticity.

"Whatever you say." If she were going to fight him, she'd do it once she was fully charged up. And right now, she was hungry, angry and tired.

"Hayley, will you excuse us?" He asked Hayley while helping her stand back up. The brunette girl regained her composure and stalked off as she sent a burning glare towards Dahlia. Dahlia smiled innocently and waved at the girl before directing her gaze to Niklaus, who already had his eyes narrowed at her.

"Don't be such a prude. I was just kidding around." She smirked at him, pleased with herself.

"I trust you'll see yourself out." He said, almost as though he were disappointed with the girl.

Dahlia was taken aback; that was not the reaction she'd come looking for. For him to fall back in her arms? To have amazing breakup sex? Yes, those were on her list. But for him to be disappointed? Not really on the itinerary.

"I don't have anywhere to go." She pouted over-dramatically as she masked her shock with jokes. Typical Dahlia.

"Oh well. Not my problem." Dahlia tilted her head in amusement at him mocking her words. She couldn't quite read the expression on his face thanks to how far she stood from him. Neither of them dared to close the distance between them in fear of what it would do to them.

"Now get out of my city and never return. I don't have anything to say to burnt out flames." Dahlia couldn't even hide how off-guard his words had caught her. Humanity or not, it was nationally agreed that the two were soulmates. Fuck that. Anger seeped through her veins as she thought of what she could say to fire back with.

And that's when it hit her; she didn't have to say anything to get him angry, she literally had to hit.

The vampire girl sped past him and up the stairs, searching for the room the devil child that had caused all of this was in. With every door she opened, she closed it back again when there was no baby in sight.

Finally, she opened a door that looked like a nursery. Dahlia sped over to see a baby dress in pink clothing in a crib. So it was a girl.

She stood over the crib and stared at the cooing girl, wondering how she'd put an end to her misery. Dahlia would have never even dreamt of hurting a baby with her humanity on, but that was the perk of no humanity. No cares or worries in the world.

Dahlia lifted her head up and felt her lip curl upwards when she felt Klaus speed in. The immortal girl turned slowly and saw how tightly his jaw was clenched. She hit a nerve.

He stepped forward, hands balled up in fists. "I wouldn't do that, or poor Hope feels the consequences."

"You dare threaten my family?" If he was panicking, his voice didn't show it. The original eyed her as if she was a time bomb about to go off. Rightfully so, though, since his kid was about to die.

"Duh. I'm gonna kill her." She shook her head like it was obvious.

Niklaus simply smirked at her and nodded, much to Dahlia's confusion. But before she knew it, he'd sped at her and threw her against the wall. Hard.

Dahlia grunted as her back hit the wall. She smiled, provoking him even more. He sped up to her and wrapped his giant hand around her neck, choking her against the wall.

"That's more like it." She choked out, still instigating a fight. Niklaus studied her face as he growled at her in rage.

"I will tear your heart out." He finally whispered out, his lips brushing her ear. Had it been in different context, Dahlia would be turned on.

"Do it then." His hand flew to her chest and dug past her flesh to reach her ticker. The girl felt his hands grip her heart and looked up at him. His cold, angry blue eyes stared back at her.

"You won't kill me." As confident as she sounded, Dahlia hoped she was right. This was not how she wanted it to end.

The blonde man smirked. "And what makes you think that?" He challenged. The longer he prolonged her death, the more Dahlia realized he wouldn't kill her.

"Because you like to stall deaths. Torture me first." She blurted out whatever she could think of to try and get his hands off her heart. He smirked and nodded.

"I agree. However, I think I'll make an exception just for you." He leaned in, making Dahlia nervous. "You know, since we were lovers and all."

"Fine, go ahead. Kill me." The girl persisted, praying he wouldn't actually do as she said. He tilted his head.

"I plan to." He pried his fingers off her heart and pulled it out. After exhaling sharply, Dahlia kicked him back with all the force she had. He slammed against a bookshelf, bringing down all the books with it. From her crib, Hope began crying out loud.

Niklaus began to get up and walk towards his child, but Dahlia stopped him. She sped up to him and threw him back against the ground. She quickly straddled him as she kicked and punched profusely. The girl let out everything she'd felt against him with every hit she sent to his face.

He grabbed her hand and rolled her over to the ground before standing up groggily. His hand flew to his bloody lip and pulled back to show him his own blood. The Mikaelson boy stared down at her with his chest rising and falling.

That was the last thing Dahlia saw before being bit by him and passing out.

hope u guys enjoyed. im so sorry for not updating lol ive been on writers block for so long :/

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