The Cullen's, who heard everything, didn't know what to say. They were shocked when they heard that the children of the four families were all adopted. None were related at all. And two pairs just happened to be together and are living in the same house.

    With Jessica's friends comforting her and Angela lightly scolding her for her insensitive words, they failed to notice the entrance of Carter Wildrof. Bella was idly picking on her food after the trio left but when everything suddenly became quiet she looked up in confusion. Most of the people in the cafeteria had their eyes trained on the male.that just entered. He looked like a real prince charming. She thought as he looked around and smiled at some students who glanced at him. "That's Carter Wildrof." She turned to Angela who was smiling. "Looks like little Carter has evolved into a real live Romeo." Eric commented as he waved Carter over. Carter saw him and smiled as he approached the group. Jessica perked up at the mention of Carter and turned around and her jaw dropped. "Well aren't you just a doll." She said when he was near and he laughed. "Still calling me that?" He asked and she huffed. "I think I'll start calling you doll face." He scoffed. "Look at you! You're gonna get all the girls with that face. You're definitely a heart throb like Cullen." Carter rose an eyebrow at Mike and shook his head. "Bella this is Carter." Carter turned to Bella and smiled. "Carter Wildrof. Pleasure to meet you." He held out and his and she shook it. "I'm guessing you're Chief Swan's daughter." Her eyes grew and he chuckled. "Jessica and Harper talk on the phone pretty loudly." She chuckled and nodded. "I'm guessing you're the towns pretty boy?" He laughed at the nickname and she blushed at letting it slip.

    "Well it was truly a pleasure to meet you but I gotta go and grab lunch. I can see my cousins giving me the look." He said with a sheepish smile while everyone else chuckled and let him off. He smiled at them one last time before walking over the line and grab a tray. Looking through the array of food, he grabbed a bowl for his salad, a sandwich, a plate of lasagna, an apple, and a box of apple juice. He turned to head to the tablr where his cousins waited but was stopped by a girl who had a smirk. "You're Carter Wildrof, yeah?" He nodded and she smiled offering a hand shake. "Tracy Hill." He felt something wrong with the girl and so he motioned at his hands that was holding the tray and saw her hand twitch in annoyance. "So I heard you're friends with Jessica Stanley?"

    Angela nudged Jessica when she saw Tracy approach Carter. Jessica turned and a look of worry on her face. She was about to stand but Angela held her back and shook her head.

    "We are. Why?" Tracy smirked as she shifted and leaned closer to him. Carter held the urge to scowl at the amount of perfume he smelled from the girl. "You know, you shouldn't be friends with someone like her." He rose an eyebrow. "May I ask why?" She glanced at Jessica and grinned when she saw the girl glaring at her. She turned to Carter and smirked to herself. Once she ruins the image of Jessica she can seduce Carter by making him her friend then when the time comes she'll date him and be the most popular girl. "You didn't know? She likes you even though she's dating Newton. I heard that she plans to dump him and come to you after." Carter only smiled at her which made her swoon. "So me, being worried for you, wanted to let you know that if you ever need someone to go to, I'll be there." She said and Carter hummed and shrugged. "Thank you for the offer but I don't think that will happen anytime soon." Her smiled vanished. "What?" Carter smirked at her with mischief. "I knew about Jessica's crush on me but everyone should at least know that she likes Mike more than me." Her plans were fading. "But-" "And whether I stop being her friend or not does not concern." She was going to lose her opportunity of being popular girl. "I was just trying to be friendly." "You're not from around here, are you?" The question caught her by surprise. "No. I move here last year. Why are y-" "See that's how I know Jessica won't run to me. Nor will she dump Mike for me." She stopped as she stared into his eyes that was swirling with a sliver of malice. "See, Tracy, was it? I've known Jessica for years and you don't. I know things you don't since you are quite literally a knew face in town." She stayed silent as he smiled at her. "I suggest you not to speak ill of my friends or else you will regret ever meeting me." He then walked past her and whispered as he did. "Girls like you disgust me." She flinched and he smiled as he left her standing there.

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