Day 2

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" The neighbours were telling me that yesterday you came home in a mercedes?" my father questioned looking up from his newspaper when I came to give him his morning tea.
"Uh it was a teacher's car. Actually papa yesterday there was this impromptu dance competition at some international school where I had to go. The management thought I might get too late to catch my bus so they advised the teachers to drop the kids home" I lied effectively as I had practiced this answer almost a thousand times. It's tough to lie to my father like this but I can't tell him yet that it was my boyfriend who dropped me yesterday specially when he is not even my real boyfriend.
"Hmm" he said keeping the newspaper down and drinking his tea.
I think he looked mostly satisfied with my excuse or I don't know because he didn't inquire any further and left for office.

St. Liberals is the school of elites, for the elites and the best high school for humanities and commerce stream, me and Ro were there on scholarship.
Don't even ask how difficult the admission test was like forget about us topping we just hoped we atleast qualify and we did. Ro became the headgirl based on her excellent academic performance and certificates in almost every possible co-curricular activity. She became popular in no time with her I also used to get some lime light as her sidekick not that I wanted much attention I liked being more of an invisible nerdy girl in school. But me being the head girl's bestfriend wasn't the reason Rivaan chose me to be his fake girlfriend. It might be so that he actually dislikes Ro or he might have thought I was more easy to influence and blackmail.

Yes meet me I am Natasha Verma, a sixteen year old eleventh grader in humanities stream who is the stupidest person alive on this planet.
Now whenever I remember that day in the dance academy I get so furious with myself for being so gullible that I got into this jerk's trap.

Cleaning the dining table I heard the door bell rang I checked in the kitchen papa had already boiled the milk then who was it at the door so early morning. I peeped through the eye hole and saw Ro impatiently waiting outside.
" Finally " Ro gasped entering.
Although we stay in the same colony and our fathers are colleagues her flat is two blocks away from mine.
"Yes " I smiled and gave her a ' since-when-do-you-wake-up-so-early-to-come-to-my-house' look.
" Aree you don't know nats I would have been dead by the time I would have woken up according to my usual routine as I was dying slowly out of curiosity" she said still gasping for air and pointing towards the water bottle.
"Woa , I give you credits for running to my house this early " I said impressively handing her the water bottle.
"Okay forget about all this you didn't tell me exactly what happened in the car with you and mr. Popular yesterday" she asked all geared up to listen to some erotica.
"Nothing much " I said flatly trying to keep a straight face. She had asked the same question last night too but I just avoided it and cut the call, when she asked if we could meet, I gave an excuse because I don't know why but I didn't really wanted to tell her about what goes on between me and Rivaan everytime I talk about him, see him or think about him my heart flutters but my brain brings me back to reality and pinches me reminding this all is fake don't get too hyped about it you will get hurt again.
"Come on not possible " she nudged me.
Although I didn't wanted to spill out but she was my bestfriend and we never kept secrets I was already keeping two from her. I felt guilty and gave in. At last ended up reveling my real feelings for him too the only thing I didn't let her know was that his feelings were fake that my existence for him doesn't matter unless he is getting back his ex.
"Okay so that's how it really goes between couples " she said pretty interested in my fake relationship more than even I was.
"Hmm...yes.... so you want something to eat ? I am sure you didn't even brush your teeth properly, just woke up and rushed to my house right? "
"Umm yes you are right I am hungry as hell also get some coffee and let me check your phone someone just pinged you " she said excitedly hearing my phone buzzing.
I didn't pay much attention and replied " do whatever you want I am going to the kitchen to get your coffee".
"Hey it's a message from your boyfriend " she shouted from the hall.
Oh fuck ! I am so dumb I forgot that I have a fake boyfriend and needed some privacy and space from my bestie now. I literally jumped on Ro.
"Hey easy girl!" she said pushing me down from her. I managed to snatch the phone away and read the message. It said ' Be ready at 10 am I am coming to pick you up for a birthday of my friend '.
Yesterday he did message me something saying ' Be ready for tomorrow there is a surprise for you '.
Why does his texts always sound like he is commanding me to be all prepared for a war or something. For someone who is so bright and smart can't he use something better than the phrase 'be ready'. Fact for today : Toppers do have a limited vocabulary. Who the hell talks to their girlfriend like that?? A total jerk.
"Hey show me too na what did he text?" Ro begged me again.
I showed her finally.
"That's so sweet and cool but I won't accompany you" Ro reacted.
I knew why she didn't wanted to come not because she hates Rivaan or any of his friends but because of the fact that we might never just fit in with these elites till the time we have ourselves become rich and successful maybe. I have the same thoughts as her but I can't refuse to go the party because Rivaan is devil in an angel's disguise whom you can't deny anything or else he will probably say something evil like " you really sure your not coming with me? Want your innocent daddy to read that diary?"
The thought shivered me.
"What's wrong I have been showing so many dresses and tees you won't even move or acknowledge!!" Ro was shouting.
"Oh I am so sorry."
"Yeah fine whatever" she said and throwed an off shoulder royal blue top on me.
"Why are you not coming with me?" I asked inspecting the top which I considered too revealing for the event.
"Because I wasn't invited " she replied trying to figure what should go best with the top.
"Seriously? What will I do there with those narcissts?? "
" I don't fit in there nats " she replied showing me a red pencil skirt which I have only wore once for my MUN conference.
"You think I do ?"
"You are dating those elites."
"So? Does that make me fit in? Does that make me so rich that I don't have to worry about not even having proper clothes to wear to their posh parties? And the biggest question of all will papa allow me to go at all if you are not there?" I reasoned.
"You made a point."
"So go take a shower."
"And you get those legs shaved."
"You really think I'll look good in this top and skirt ? Wait do I even have proper shoes to wear with them?"
"You look beautiful in anything you wear nats. Don't worry about shoes I'll lend you my ankle length boots. "
"Your ankle length shoes really?? You haven't worn them even once since you brought them. What will you wear then?"
"Your grey dress and my white snickers" she said finally shutting the bathroom door.
She has been deciding my outfits since I don't even remember. A bit of a fashionista she is because although we don't have much clothes to wear we still manage to make a statement with our outfits with zero makeup or accessories just plain clothes worn the right way can make you look edgy always. It always worked for us.
I was sure those posh kids at their posh parties must wear some designer clothes because I hadn't in my life once attended a rich brats party ever, only been dressed up for school functions, and neither has Ro.
"I feel so overdressed already Ro" I complained after she had been doing my makeup with things I have never seen before in my life for the past one hour.
"It's almost done let me just put the liner."
"Where did you get all those?"
"My mom has a friend who works at a parlour where she keeps going for threading her eyebrows so everytime my mother visits her salon her friend gives a return gift. That's how we collected all this."
"Where do you even find such friends?" I was surely surprised by this information.
"I know right then even you can try befriending a rich girl there maybe someday when you visiting her she will might as well gift you her car" Ro joked and we both burst out laughing.
After one and a half hour Ro was finally satisfied with my makeup and hers too.
"Where did you even learn all this?" I asked checking myself in the mirror and felt like I was staring at somebody else only. Red lips, long lashes, liner, foundation, straight open hair and blush. My goodness I was looking like some classic model fresh for some beauty contest.
"Youtube! Was bored so thought why not learn something which will come in handy like this" she winked.
"You look perfect for today " she beamed.
"So do you " I complimented giving her a tight hug. Even with no foundation just some mascara,open wavy hair and lipbalm she was looking beautiful. When I asked her why did she do so much hardwork for me and not on herself too she replied " it's not my birthday neither am I 'the girlfriend'. It's not important for me to look so good as it is for you."
" I look good without makeup too" I made a face.
"Ofcourse you do sweetheart I just wanted to test my makeup skills plus these cosmetics have just enhanced your beauty nothing more" she tried to convince me.

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