Jeff The Killer (part 1)

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I was a troubled girl, growing up i was bullied at school. Girls called me ugly
while boys threw random crap at my head. My mother was a neglectful bitch and would beat me and laugh while my stepdad would have his way with me. I ran away when i was 20 and had lived on my own till my ex came along. He was abusive, I had help and left ofcourse and lived alone since. I would go to work, come home, and go to bed, rinse and repeat. I worked as a stripper at the club, not the best job but it made good money and fast. One night i was walking home from work when i heard footsteps following me. I would turn to see who it was but no one was there. I reached in my purse and held on tightly to my pepper spray i would carry for safety. I kept hearing the foot steps and yelled "who's there"!? No answer. "I have pepper spray asshole"! Still no answer. I quickly hurried home and locked my door as i got in. I dont know who it was. Maybe an obsessed customer? I would get a few like that. I put my purse on the counter and counted the money i made that night. $567.00. Not bad for a slow night. It was mostly from a guy that wore a white hoodie. I never saw his face, but he would constantly pay for lap dances. I didnt mind it though, he just payed my bills and then some. I have enough left over to go shopping for some outfits for work. The song he mostly recomended me to dance to was sweet dreams, weird but it was the marilyn manson verson so i didnt mind to much. I turned the TV on and made a quick tv dinner. I opened a can of coke and sat on my couch. I flipped through the channels till i saw my favorite show was on. It was a back to back marathon of rick and morty on adult swim. Awesome! I finished my meal and fell asleep on my couch. For some reason i heard someone say "". I woke up abruptly to find no one was there. Maybe it was a dream? I noticed my tv was in static. I got up and turned my tv off and went to my room. I layed down in my bed and started to doze off when my closet door opened by itself. I sat up and stared at it for a bit. I got up and went to the closet door. I opened it a bit but nothing was there. Weird. I closed it and layed back down. As i started to doze off again i could see something strange at the foot of my bed. Maybe its my dirty laundry i kept in a pile and that im just tired and seeing things. Thats until it moved. It got on my bed. I scurried against the wall behind me still on my bed. The figure got closer and sat in front of me. "Shh..". I was frozen in fear. Someone broke in my house! I try to reach for my cell phone when the person grabbed my wrist. "Thats not a good idea". It said. By the sound of the voice it was a man. Tears started to well up in my eyes. "Shh..go to sleep". He said as he pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket. He pulled me towards him with his other hand still wrapped around my wrist. As i was about to scream he placed the cloth over my mouth and nose making me breath in the chemical it was doused in. I try to struggle and noticed my body was feeling weak. The only thing i could put together was the chemical must have been chloroform. As i drifted into sleep i could hear him say "sweet dreams".

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