"You don't have to do that." Lily grumbled as she stood up, "I'm perfectly capable of carrying my own books."

This had once been a daily occurrence in their third year, where James Potter would rush to Lily's side after class, gather her books before she could protest, and carry them to their next class.

She would have considered it sweet if it weren't for the fact that each time he did this, her books would be returned to her in disarray and that she found it quite insulting that he did it without asking her.

"I know you are." James grinned as he divided up the books and held half out to her, "Tell you what. You take three, and I'll take three. That way, you can carry some, and my Mum won't disown me for not being a gentleman."

Lily looked at him suspiciously. James was being, for lack of a better word, tolerable. He was taking her feelings into consideration, was actually being polite, and hadn't asked her on a date in the time they'd been talking.

Finding no reason to disagree, Lily hesitantly nodded and grabbed the books from his hand.

As the two headed to the dormitories, James filled the awkward silence by telling her about Slughorn's insistence for him to join Slug Club. He had no doubt it was only because his father is the renowned potioneer of the Sleekeazy Hair Potion and Scalp Treatment.

Upon learning this, Lily began to tease the prankster about the irony of his unruly raven hair and how he should try the product himself. Only to get a grumbled response about how his hair was too strong for the potion, and Lily laughed as she attempted to flatten a piece sticking out, just for it to spring back up.

James grinned as he noticed Lily began to open up to him more and blushed as she played with his hair. The redhead was seemingly clueless about the effect she had on him.

However, as they reached the moving stairs, Lily lost her balance when the stairs began to change and quickly grabbed onto James' arm.

Widening her eyes in horror after realizing what she had done, Lily quickly removed her hand and muttered a soft 'thank you under her breath, keeping her gaze on the tips of her shoes.

Taking Remus' advice, James bit his tongue to keep from saying anything the werewolf would deem "idiotic" or "narcissistic" in response to his Lily Flower. Going so far as to clench his jaw to restrain himself from making a quip about her feeling up his impeccable muscles.

Remus held many of the same interests as Lily and was seemingly more mature than his counterparts, so he was the only one among the Marauders successful in attaining a genuine friendship with the girl. Their partnership as prefects the year before only strengthened their bond. She had even gained the scarred boy's trust enough to be told of his monthly problems and covered for him on the nights of a full moon.

Yet, upon being made Headboy in their final year of Hogwarts, a newfound sense of responsibility blossomed in James. With it, the ambition to win over the emerald-eyed beauty before the school year came to an end.

Surrendering his pride and putting aside an ounce of his arrogance, the raven-haired boy had begged Remus to help him win over the fiery witch. He's had his eye on her ever since she hexed him for the first time in their second year. Sirius insists to this day that her spell must have knocked his brain loose, seeing as the chaser acts like a complete loon whenever he so much as hears her name. Peter just insists he's a masochist who enjoys the bruises from her hexes and the cuts from her sharp tongue.

Remus, having refused for years due to his respect for Lily and secret agreement with Peter, finally agreed after seeing the growing maturity in the boy. So, he decided to start off easy by advising his best mate on three simple things first:

Time Turner Mishaps {Under Editing}Where stories live. Discover now