How Steppenwolf was supposed to be defeated

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Steppenwolf's fate at the end of Justice League was originally meant to be a lot more brutal in the Snyder cut. instead of falling victim to his own Parademons and being boom-tubed away like in the theatrical version, Steppenwolf would have been defeated by the combined forces of the Justice League: Superman hits him with a powerful punch, followed by Aquaman impaling him on his trident, and finally Wonder Woman finishing Steppenwolf off by beheading him with her godkiller sword. this would have been much better and more satisfying final confrontation than what we got in theaters, as it would have shown our heroes working together as a team to defeat the villain, i mean this IS supposed to be a team-up movie after all so i expect our heroes to save the day with the power of teamwork, just saying. this would have also led to a cool cliffhanger moment where Steppenwolf's severed head falls through the boom tube and ends up on Darkseid's home planet of Apokolips where his head would have landed at Darkseid's feet, Steppenwolf's failure giving big bad Darkseid the incentive to get off his throne and get his hands dirty by conquering the planet earth himself thus setting up Zack's planned Justice League part 2.

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