The Atom was supposed to make a cameo

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The Snyder cut of Justice League was supposed to include a plethora of cameos from major DC characters that would have probably gone on to become major players in the DCEU going forward (two of which we'll get into later), the first of these surprise cameos that were left on the cutting room floor being none other than Ryan Choi, who in the comics was the second iteration of the size-changing superhero known as The Atom where he would have been played by Chinese actor Zheng Kai. however don't get too excited, as he doesn't suit up at all in the Snyder cut and is relegated to a minor role as a scientist working at S.T.A.R. labs serving as the facility's director of Nanotechnology (which just so happens to be the source of the Atom's powers) as well as helping Cyborg's father Doctor Silas Stone experiment with the motherboxes. even though his appearance was only a cameo, it is possible that if WB had let Snyder continue with his vision we could have seen the character of Ryan Choi return and become The Atom in a future Justice league sequel or solo movie where he could have been the DCEU's first Asian-American hero.

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