TWO: The Santana brothers

Start from the beginning

Grace: Seriously they can do better

That's when the door opened and a little girl came in she had a doll in her arm as she stood there looking at me directly making me feel awkward as I started to rub the side of my arm but she also looks like him she was so beautiful she had long hair or maybe she dosen't looks like him I could be wrong

Grace: um hi


Guys Started busting through the doors as I backed up against the wall fear was in my eyes there were a lot of guys they had guns I backed all the way up my chest were going up and down looking at all of them standing here I didn't do anything I didn't do nothing I didn't have anybody and my phone had no service here I couldn't call anybody if I wanted to looking at them I know they wouldn't let me I didn't wanna call my sister or my father Especially him until he walked in with a angry face A face that will make you fear him a face that will let you know that he ain't with no games as he walked in So did the other dude that was outside smoking and and there was One more the three of them stood there angry looking at me I felt scared inside and outside even though I always say I ain't scared of Shit but this was different the one that saved me bent down to the little girl and

Ryan: Hey princess you okay

Melody: Yes daddy Who's that girl over there

He looked up to me and smirked a little before rolling his eyes at me as he continued to look down at her

Ryan: Princess Daddy needs you to do a favor for him can you be a big girl and do it

She wiped her her eye and looked at him before nodding her head

Melody: Yes daddy

Ryan: I need you to go with your Uncle Zane and with Your Uncle Adrian okay daddy loves you princess

Melody: Okay I love you to daddy

He kissed her forehead I would say that is so cute but looking at her go to the other dude that was smoking outside he picked her up as she layed her head on his shoulder and he rubbed her back with his hand

Zane: It's alright your uncle Zane got you okay and I won't let anything happen to you

Ryan: Zane Take my daughter somewhere Safe So she won't hear What's going on

I seen him Nod his head what do he mean "Won't hear What's going on" uh looking at them they all left the room leaving him the guy that saved me and two other guys in the room this is ridiculous like I didn't do shit but I knew I must Escape Whatever they take me So I was prepared I just can't stay here this ain't for me

Ryan: Take her and bring her down stairs to a cell

They put hand cuffs on me Wow He then walked to me and

Ryan: And here I thought you were a good one but all I see is you trying to harm my daughter in her room take her away

They took me away as I walked at they paste but I smirked to myself Like I said I can't stay here This is they family not mine once I arrived to some kind of cell it looked disgusting smell horrible all rusty and dirty they threw me in there and closed the cell door well Im in prison yayy I never been happy in my life I laid back onto the bed with both my arms behind my head looking up at the ceiling a few moments later the door opened there were other people down here they stood up scared and everything of him but Me I ain't standing up for shit everyone else looked at me but I didn't give a fuck because I don't care so I continue to lay back and look up at the ceiling he stood there looking at me

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