Blackbird Singing in the Dead of Night

503 22 1

I'd just finished making a smoothie when I heard my phone ring over by the couch. I left the kitchen, grabbed my phone that had Alex's name flashing on the screen, and answered "Hey Alex, what's up?"

"Hey bubs, how're you?"

"Good thanks, you?"

"Yeah I'm great, I called you to ask you if you're good to start rehearsals, not tomorrow but the day after? It's pretty much every day after that and we're going to start with our actual workshops, blocking etcetera"

"Yep, that works perfectly. I'll just have an early one with Natasha tomorrow night-"

"Wait, you're still talking to her?" Alex interrupted "Yeah, we've kind half made up and we're going for dinner tomorrow night to smooth everything over and hang out" I replied. Why did he sound so stressed? I mean I know she made him pretty uncomfortable, but it wasn't as though I was asking him to come with us. "Alex, is everything okay?" I asked. He quickly responded "Yeah, why wouldn't it be?" "You just... don't worry about it. What time do we have to be at the theatre for?"

"Seven, I'll pick you up?"

"You always do stuff for me, I should be picking you up"

"Your place is on the way anyway, so it's no hassle"

We had that debate for the next, what felt like a century, until he finally won and talked for a little while longer before bidding our goodbyes and hanging up.

That day went by fairly quickly after I ran a few errands and I'd done some housework. Ali and I played Just Dance before Roxie came by to pick her up for a day out in the city. They really were adorable and I had a feeling that it wouldn't be long before Ali told me she'd be moving in with Roxie and I'd be living on my own. In saying that though, I know how bad Ali used to be at committing to a relationship before meeting Roxie, so who knows? She could still be here for another week, month, year, or decade. Anything's possible with Ali.

Checking my phone it was 5:30 pm and I had to start getting ready for dinner with Tash. Was I nervous? Yes. Was I scared? Yes. Did I just want to stay home and order pizza? Yes, but I have to do this, even if I feel off about it.

I pulled out a royal blue dress that came to just above the knee with a sweetheart neckline. The bodice was pretty simple, it had a few embroidered flowers on it, but other than that, it was fairly plain.

I finished getting ready and drove down to the restaurant Natasha had suggested. It was in a shopping centre complex so it was easy to find and I had twenty minutes to spare so walked around a few of the stores.

That's when I spotted it. It was a silver ring with a black and white pattern etched into the side. I had to get that for Alex, he'd love it! I could give it to him as a gift on opening night. I bought the ring and left the store, browsing a few of the clothing racks before I decided to head to the restaurant.

I checked in at the front and was taken to where Natasha and I would be sitting. I was still five minutes early so I ordered a glass of water and scrolled through my phone. Alex had sent me the script to look over and get familiar with a few days ago, so I settled reading a few scenes.

"Hey, Krystal" made my head snap up to Natasha who was standing there in a black mini dress that had a v-cut almost down to her belly button. She stood nervously with her hands clasped together, a little tighter than necessary, "I'm so sorry". "It's okay Tash, I am too," I said getting to wrap her in a hug. She pulled away, grabbed my hand, and looked me in the eyes "I was so immature and you shouldn't have had to deal with that. I fully support you if you want to have a relationship with Alex. It's obvious how much he likes you"

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