That's How it Starts, Two Unsuspecting Hearts

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Once Alex got out of the car I grabbed my bag and was about to open my door when he raced around and did it for me. I think my heart just exploded, could this man be any cuter? "Thank you," I said blushing as I got out. As we were walking towards the park, our sides would occasionally touch and yet again sending sparks until about two minutes into the walk he entwined his fingers with mine, perfectly mirroring what I had done in the car.

"I'm telling you Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is one-hundred times better than the old one"

"I'm sorry 'The old one'? Wowww, I see how it is" Alex exclaimed feigning offence. Eventually, we go to the lake and sat down, getting comfortable in the blanket Alex had in his backpack. "How about a game of Truth or Dare?" he suggested with a smirk "Sure, what's the worst that can happen? You wanna go first" I asked giggle. "Gladly, Truth or dare?" He replied with a mischievous look in his eye, "Truth" I stated confidently.

"What was the first Broadway show you went to see?"

"Wicked, my Aunty Shaz took me when I was 10"

"You wanna know something?"


"I was one of the munchkins in that for a couple of years"

"Wait really, that would've been so cuteeeee"

"Oh something like that" Alex chuckled back

"Alrighty, truth or dare?" I asked in a sweet tone "I'm definitely scared of the way you said that, so I'm gonna have to go with truth" he answered warily "Hmm well that's boring"

"You said truth too!" he retorted. "I suppose you have a point, what about you? What the first show you saw?" "Cats, my brother is still traumatised to this day, but I loved it." he chuckled.

"Okay, truth or dare?"


"Ooo I like it, go up to that food vendor, and ask him where you can find Central Park. In an Australian accent"

"You're kidding? I'm going to die of embarrassment" I shuddered "You'll be fineeeee" he laughed putting a hand on my back to give me a slight push in the direction of the vendor, "Okay. Here goes nothing"

I walk towards the vendor and I faintly hear Alex shout something about getting pretzels while I'm there. "G'day mate, how're ya? You reckon you could chuck us in the direction of that Central Park place yeah?" The vendor looks at me with the most incredulous look on his face "You're in it." He deadpans. Well, he's no fun. "Look, mate, I don't know what kinda game you're playin' here, but I only got here yesterday arvo and I'm struggling so can you help a sheila out?". He just looked at me, completely emotionless.

Maybe I said that a little too Australian? "You know what? She'll be right, just chuck us a couple of pretzels aye?" I pass the vendor some money as he passes me the pretzels "Cheers" and with that, I walked off. Oh my god, I'm going to kill Alex. My cheeks were on fire as I walked as fast as I could back to him, all I could do was pray that the vendor wasn't watching me.

Alex was on his back laughing so loud it was causing the people around us to stare and wonder who in their right mind let him out of his padded cell for the day. Just as he was beginning to regain control of himself and sit up, I tackled him back to the ground so he was on his back again laughing even harder "Y-your fa-ace" he manages to get out between cackles. At this point, I'm straddling his lap trying to get him to shut up so people stop glaring, but apparently, he's completely oblivious and continues like he's in a cackling competition with Elphaba. He begins to calm down as my cheeks go back to their usual colour.

Then I realised our position and they lit themselves right back up again, just as I was about to get off him and apologise profusely, but Alex rested his hands on my hips and looked into my eyes like he was searching for something. I couldn't help but gaze back into his, they were a mixture of green, hazel, and blue. I was completely mesmerised by him, slowly he let go of my hips, propped himself up on his elbows and leaned up. Oh god, he's going to kiss me, wait we only met a few days ago.

Realising I didn't care how long we'd know each other, I leant down to meet him and just before his lips connected with mine- "OMG HEY GUYS!" I jumped off Alex and looked to the direction where the screech had come from. Natasha. Are you kidding me right now? What in God's name is she doing here? "Um hi, Tash, what're you doing here," I say looking at a very disheveled Alex trying to figure out what the hell just happened. "Oh you know, just felt like a walk and boom you guys are here! Crazy right? Such a big city and we still end up running into each other" she exclaimed, "Anyways, what're you guys up to?" ...I'm sorry did she just- did she not see- whatever can't be bothered dealing with that right now, "Just having a day out in the sun before it gets too cold, Alex set it up actually" I answered, giving him a smile.

"Aww that sounds sooooo nice" she swooned. Okay, but why is she still here? "What've you got planned for the rest of the day?" I ask as politely as possible. "Oh probably shopping and that's pretty much it. I'm free tonight if you wanna hang out?" she asked looking at both of us, for the first time Alex spoke up "Can we get back to you on that? We've got some errands to run and I'm not sure how long it'll take." "Yeah no worries, I might see you guys later then," she said with a wink and sauntered off.

"Oh. My. God."

"I don't even have words for what just happened"

We both cracked up laughing laid back on the picnic blanket. we stayed like that for a while, munching on our pretzels, laughing about things that, in reality, weren't even that funny. We probably looked crazy to everyone around us, but you know what? Who cares? We were happy.

An hour and a half had passed since Tash left when Alex checked his watch, "You ready for a meal bubs?" "I'm always ready for a meal," I say with a giggle. With that, he got up, offered me a hand and we rolled up the blanket, collected our stuff, and walked to the car.

Once we'd put everything in the back of his car, Alex grabbed my hand and lead the way to The Loeb Boathouse restaurant. I didn't think it was humanely possible for someone's heart to beat this fast, but I was too beyond excited to care about things like having a heart attack. Once we were inside Alex went to the front counter and asked for a table he'd reserved underneath the name Beetlejuice. Surprised? No. Concerned? Slightly. Once a waiter had seated us, she gave us menus and left smiling, stating she'd be back once we were ready to order.

Hi all,
I hope you're enjoying this so far, I know I am! Again sorry for any grammatical or spelling errors, as stated in the Authors Notes of the first chapter, once the entire work is finished I'll go back through and fix it up!

- Coco xx
Milestone: 30 reads

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