A First

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I'd just rolled out of bed when I heard a knock at the door. What the hell? I check my phone for the time. Oh shit. It's 8:30. Alex said he'd be here at 8:30 to pick me up.

Usually, Ali would've woken me up with her banging around in the kitchen, but she was on a camping trip with some of the friends she used to go to school with. "Um, just a minute!" I called out.

Right, well I need to get dressed, I raced over to my wardrobe and pulled out blue denim skinny jeans, a white blouse, and some heeled boots. After I'd run the hairbrush through my hair, I grabbed a hair tie and put my hair into a semi-neat ponytail, all the while brushing my teeth at the same time. I ran down to the door and opened it to reveal a beaming Alex. "Morning bubs, are you ready for your first official rehearsal" he asked while hugging me, "More than ever, but I'm kinda nervous" I replied in a nervous tone. "You'll be fine, besides I'll be right there with you" he answered letting me go and claiming my hand in his own. He was acting as though the whole 'Natasha thing' never happened, it doesn't bother me though because I did not want that topic brought up, not yet anyway.

"Have you had breakfast this morning?" Alex asked pulling his phone out of his pocket "Ah no I haven't" I replied sheepishly "Okay good because while I was waiting I ordered us some toasted sandwiches and coffees" announced after checking what time we needed to be there to pick it up by. "We've got time to walk there if you want? And then we could catch an Uber to the theatre?" "Alex, you know you're amazing right?" I said looking up to him. "I try," he said with a chuckle nudging me.

We walked to the cafe and picked up our breakfast and sat down at one of the tables. Alex went through everything that would be happening today and eventually, the anticipation overtook the nervousness. On top of all that, Alex finally asked for my number, which I mean I was never going to remember to ask him, so thank god.

He passed me his phone to put my number in, which I did, but as I saved the contact a name caught my eye. Natasha. It's probably a different one surely? She would've bragged about having his number by now for sure. And I can't just ask him about it because it's not like we're actually together or anything, so I guess we'll just wait and see. I passed him his phone back with a smile and we got up continuing our trip to the theatre. I couldn't help but feel uneasy though as the thought of Natasha and Alex niggled at me in the back of my mind.

Fairly soon, we were standing outside the Winter Garden Theatre and my nerves came flooding back. Alex must've seen me tense up and put an arm around my waist to turn me to face him. "You're amazing bubs, they're going to love you. You've got nothing to worry about", he pulled me into a hug and rested his head on top of mine "You're perfect". After hearing those words come from Alex I held onto him as tight as I could without cutting off his air supply. "Thank you, I'm glad I get to do this with you," I said into his chest. "The feeling's mutual, bubs. You ready?" He asked pulling away and looking me in the eyes. I nodded and he opened the door motioning for me to go first.

Once we were inside Alex put his arm around my waist and we continued our way to the back of the theatre. We walked up to a pin-up on the wall that directed us to where we were supposed to be.

Alex pushed open the door and we walked through. The first thing my eyes focused on was a blonde running forward to envelop me into a hug, although I didn't know her it just felt right to return her embrace.

"Careful Kerry, you're gonna strangle her before she even gets a note out" Alex laughed standing beside me, arm still around my waist "Ah, I'm sorry sweets, its just Alex has been talking non-stop about your audition and-" Kerry was cut off my Alex clearing his throat and the blush that rose on his cheeks. "Well, anyway I'm Kerry this is Rob" She giggled as Rob stepped forward to shake my hand. "Nice to meet you," he smiled. "I'm Krystal, and the feeling is mutual" I beamed, "Where's Timbers?" Alex piped up looking around the room. "Oh, he went out back to get the scripts. Eddie made a change to one of the songs and got them reprinted and now neither of them know where they are" Kerry said smiling with a slight laugh. "I can't say I'm surprised really," Rob laughed, shaking his head.

"Adam and Leslie were here, but someone from called him backstage to get some stuff sorted and Leslie had to go meet with someone from Broadway.com about doing a video blog of some kind, like you did for School of Rock Alex." Kerry explained "Oh sweet that'll be great!" Alex exclaimed looking like an excited puppy, which yet again, absolutely adorable.

We chatted for a little while longer waiting for Timbers and Eddie to get back with the scripts, which took them another fifteen minutes, but I don't think anyone minded it was good to get to know the people we were gonna be spending the next part of our lives with. "So are you guys together?" Rob asked, winking at Alex "Uh well" Alex started before I continued with"it's" and after some fumbling we both just landed on "no"

"Rob, don't go embarrassing them" Kerry chided him, nudging him in the ribs. Alex's cheeks lit up mirroring my own as he looked to me. "Well, I'm gonna go backstage to see how my costumes coming along" Alex announced to the group before offering his arm to me "If you want to come with, I can give you a tour?" Alex asked, "Sure, that'd be great!" I said happily accepting his arm. "Don't you kids do anything I wouldn't do!" Rob called out as we walked off earning another glare and nudge from Kerry.

We were in a corridor of doors that I assumed were dressing rooms, we continued walking until we reached the very end. The door was already open with William, our costume designer inside, "Alex good to see you again! And this our Lydia, yes?" I nodded sheepishly. "Perfect, I have so many plans for your costumes already, here's hoping you like them" he laughed as he got up and started scanning the rack for the parts of Alex's costume that he was trying to decide between.

"My new partner is away today, so we can just decide on these details, and then I'll send you back to Timbers. Sound good guys?" William asked as he grabbed a box "Sounds great, Will" Alex replied. Will pulled a black and white striped dress shirt and two different kinds of suspenders for Alex to try, "For you" William said passing them to Alex. He gladly accepted them and went down the hall into one of the vacant dressing rooms.

"Now for my Miss Deetz, unfortunately, I don't have anything for you to try yet because I want to measure you, but I think Timbers has that planned for next week. I do however have these" Will picked a sketchbook up and passed it to me "We're trying to decide between a safety pin assortment or make it a cobweb detail." He explained looking for my reaction "I think I prefer the safety pins" I said after examining the pictures. "Yes, I was leaning more that way, so there you go, we're sorted!" After William and I finished getting to know each other, Alex strolled back in with the black suspenders, dress shirt, and his sweatpants on. Interesting combo, I guess that's don't have the bottom half yet.

"I DON'T CARE WHAT THE OTHER ONE LOOKS LIKE THIS IS IT" Will screamed with excitement. "Yeah he looks good" I didn't realise what I'd said until Alex smiled at me with a small blush on his face. "Thanks, yeah I think this is the one, Will. You've outdone yourself as usual!" Alex complimented.

Hey guys!!
Thank you to everyone who has stuck with this story so far! I'm so thankful for every single one of you!!

Stay safe!
- Coco xx

240 reads 17/05/20

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