You Haven't Seen the Last of Me

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Alex put the necklace on gently making sure not to pinch my skin or get my hair caught. Once he'd finished, he softly dug his thumbs into my shoulders and rubbed them. I let my head roll back and my eyes close as I felt all the stress that'd been building up in my body evaporate. "When was the last time you went to see a masseuse?" Alex asked with a surprised tone in his voice. "Fun fact I've never actually had a massage before" I hummed, "Well we'll have to change that" he whispered in my ear making the hairs on my neck stand up. As he loosened my shoulders I felt a wave of calm and relaxation wash over my body.

"Where'd you learn to do this," I asked in a hushed tone, "I mean in thirty-three years of life you tend to pick up a few things," he said with a breathy laugh. Wait he's thirty-three?! I didn't see that coming, I mean he looks like he'd be my age, but that doesn't bother me though it's just surprising. "I suppose you would" I laughed.

He continued to rub my shoulders for the next ten minutes until Elton John's 'Your Song' started playing over the returning speakers. He stopped and I felt him move closer. He wrapped his arms around my waist and we began to sway slowly in time with the song. I turned around in Alex's embrace to face him and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Thank you for today Alex, it was amazing and it must've taken you ages. It means the world to me" I said looking up to him with a smile, he gave me a sweet smile back "Well, I wanted your first production to be something you remember for the rest of your life, besides I can't have you forgetting about me again, now can we?" He finished the sentence off with cheeky laugh "I really am sorry about that" I giggled back. He laughed resting his forehead against mine, "You really are something else huh?" "Oh, I try" I replied with a grin.

He broke away with a kiss to my forehead and giving me a small smile before looking into my eyes again. His eyes were so interesting they were soft but complex, it was like looking at a maze thinking it'd be easy and then you go to do it and it's near on impossible. I loved his eyes they were so gorgeous and the intriguing part was I had no idea what colour they really were or classed as.

His eyes flicked to my lips and then almost as fast as it'd happened his eyes were back on mine. "Krystal, can I do something unprofessional?" I think I just died a little, that was by far the cutest thing ever. Oh, wait. Shit, I have to answer him. I nodded, leaning up- "Mr. Brightman, would you like the cake brought o-" A waitress interrupted. This shit is really starting to get on my nerves, like can I just please kiss this man?! Alex and I pulled apart blushing like crazy, "Oh, sorry I didn't mean to interrupt I'll come back la-" "It's fine Jeanie, and yes please if you can that would be great" Alex said with his eyes shut. "We really can't catch a break, huh?" He chuckled "Nope we're eternally screwed" I laughed back.

The waitress, Jeanie, came back with a small, iced black and white cake with 'Congratulations Krystal' written around the edges. "Alex this is so adorable and way too much, thanks Jeanie" I exclaimed looking at him. "Like I said I wanted it to be memorable bubs," He said with a grin. What did I do to deserve all this? He gathered me up in a hug planting a kiss on my forehead. "Now do you see why I wanted you to say yes to dessert?" He asked. Wow, that actually makes a lot more sense now. "I should've known something was up," I said with a smile thinking back to any hints he may have given throughout the day, but I came up blank.

"Considering this is already in a box you can just keep it for later if you're still full from dinner" he explained, "That would actually be great, thank you" I answered. He picked the box up and held my hand with his free one as he lead me out of the restaurant and back to the car. "Don't we have to pay?" I asked giving Alex a perplexed look "Already dealt with bubs" "Thank you, but Alex you've got to stop spending your money on me!" I said glaring at him. "I told you, it's the experience" he shot back with a cheeky grin. He's gonna be the death of me. I'm one-hundred and ten percent sure of it.

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