Alex One, Krystal Nil

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"Um Mr. Timbers I forgot to do my lines," I said sheepishly "No that's perfectly fine Miss. Parker we've seen enough from you to know that you're quite good at what you do" he smiled gently, "Oh okay, thank you. Have a great afternoon" I laughed nervously, surely this can't be good.

Alex leads me off stage and we walk through the theatre. We're both silent but somehow it's not awkward, then Alex pipes up "You did really well up there you know, you've got nothing to worry about"

"You think so?"

"I know so, the only reason they didn't ask you to read lines is that they already know you're the best that's gonna walk through those doors" he explained calmly. "Thanks, Alex, it means a lot. How long ago was your audition?" I asked as we climbed the stairs "I've actually been in the show for a while, we did a stint in D.C before bringing it to broadway" He answers me with the sweetest expression I think I've ever seen on a human beings face.

I feel like I've seen him before? Maybe on a bus or something? Or maybe ran a theatre workshop I went to at one point? Who knows, I'd ask him but it feels kinda creepy.

We near the doors to exit the theatre when his arm brushes against mine and I feel the electricity run through my body, I wonder if he felt it too?

Alex stopped and turned to me, "You know, considering we're more than likely going to be working together for the next year or so, do you want to get to know each other over a coffee sometime? I was gonna say we could go now, but you probably have someth-" "I'd love to!" I exclaimed a little too excitedly "And I'm free now, so if you're up for it?" "Oh sweet okay so there's a coffee shop just up the road here so we can walk there if that suits you?" Ahhh, he's so sweet, but I don't think I should be falling for someone I could be working with for at least the next year. I was lost in my brief panic when I noticed he was looking at me waiting for an answer "Sounds perfect".

On the way there we were talking about our families, where we grew up, and how we got to where we were right now. Occasionally our arms or hands would touch and every single time I got this warm feeling and the butterflies would create a storm in my stomach. Then the topic of relationships came up. Oh boy was this gonna be interesting.

"So are you dating anyone at the moment?" he casually asked me. "Ah no, my last relationship ended about eleven months ago," I said casually "What about you?" "Yeah no me neither, I think my last relationship must've been about eighteen months ago? Yeah, that sounds about right" he answered honestly, "If you don't mind me asking, what happened?" After realising what I'd just said I looked at him to try and gauge his reaction but he just looked deep in thought "You don't have to answer, sorry if I'm being really nosey" I said quietly. "No, no it's not that I'm just thinking of the best way to say it, but I suppose we just drifted apart and then she slept with her boss".

Oh wow there really wasn't a best way to say it "I'm so sorry that must've been awful for you, if it's any consolation, my last relationship ended because he was really controlling and in the end one night he hit me, not hard enough to leave a bruise, but he still hit me and there was no way I could ever be in a relationship that had any kind of violence in it," I said seriously. "Holy shit, that's awful, he'll get what's coming to him one day, seems we've both been through the wringer then huh? Obviously, your situation was a lot scarier than mine and I'm sorry that happened to you. No one deserves that. Better times ahead I suppose?"

"It'll come soon Alex, we just have to be patient I guess" I stated sweetly.

He offered me his arm, which I gladly took, as we continued our way to the coffee shop. I felt safe like this, like being here with him I could face anything or anyone. A cool breeze picked up, so thank god we were almost there, but the way his hair just moves in the wind makes me want to runs my hands through it. Stop it! You've got to keep yourself under control okay? It's not that hard, just be more chill.

"Here we are" Alex let go of my arm and opened the door for me to walk through and into the busy Starbucks cafe.

While we were waiting in line we were trying to decide what to have. In the corner of my eye, I see Alex take glances at me every now and then. What's that about? Maybe he's just waiting for me to decide what I want.

I finally decided on an Iced White Choc Mocha, I can't say I've had one before, but hey there's a first for everything. I felt a poke in my side as we neared the counter. It was Alex. What was he doing? "Yes, Mr. Brightman?" I sassed, answering his obvious attention grabber, "What're you going have Miss. Parker?" He asked sweetly, keeping up the last name charade, no doubt trying to out sass me. "I think I'm going to get an Iced White Choc Mocha, you?" He didn't get time to answer me as the cashier called out "Next! What can I get for you today?" "Just one Iced White Chocolate Mocha and one Iced tea, unsweetened. Both grande please"

"Hey no, Alex I can't let you pay for my drink" I complained "Yes you can, I asked you to come with me so, therefore, I should pay and I'm more than happy to, besides you've been amazing company" he replied without missing a beat. "Nope, I can't let you do that, um excuse me" I read her name badge "Alexa can I pay for the Mocha please"

"No sorry, it's on his order and if he won't let you pay, then that's out of my control" The cashier stated matter-of-factly. Okay then, you've won this round Alex, but two can play at that game.

Hi guys,
Again thanks for reading this chapter I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it. If there's anything you want to happen in the story I'm still planning it so ideas are very much appreciated!!

- Coco xx

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