THE Alex Brightman

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As we stood off to the side waiting for our drinks, I remembered them saying something about Alex getting his measurements done while I was auditioning, "When Eddie called you out, were you getting your costume stuff sorted?" I asked him, grabbing his attention "Yeah, we were just getting my last measurements taken for the costume makers and they have some really cool ideas" he replied happily "Oo what're they thinking of doing?" I asked looking at him like a kid in a candy shop "Somebody's excited" he chuckled

"You gonna tell me?"

"There's pants"

"I'd hope so. Anddddd?"

"There's a suit"


"You'll just have to wait and see bubs"

"This is personal attack"

Just as I was about to pester him more I heard a familiar voice call out our order, well, Alex's order as the cashier had so kindly reminded me.

We walked up to the counter and I realised it was Natasha, one of my first friends from my acting classes. "Omg hey Sweets!!" she exclaimed jumping over the counter. The look on Alex's face was a mix between him trying to hold in a laugh and a 'Did this bitch seriously kangaroo over the counter?'

"Hi, Tash!! I've missed you so much" she lifted me into a bear hug, but then she froze, put me down, and whispered in my ear "Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit, holy shittttt" "What?" I tried looking behind me to see what she was having a fit about, but she pulled my head back so I was facing her. "THE Alex Brightman is literally right behind you" she squealed in my ear. "What do you mean, 'THE Alex Brightman'?" I asked, with a confused expression on my face. "Please tell me you've heard of him" she deadpanned "Well I mean I just had an audition with him and we walked here together to get drinks, but other than that I don't really know him. Should I?" My voice was laced with worry, who was I just talking to? "'Should I?' BITCH YES YOU SHOULD" she quietly screeched.

Alex walked over with a concerned look on his face "Is everything okay, Krys?" "OMG, YOU HAVE NICKNAMES FOR EACH OTHER?!" Natasha whisper shouted, but mainly shouted causing the majority of the room to look at her, but she continued, completely ignoring them "When did this happen?" "When did what happen?" I questioned, sharing a confused glance with Alex, who was sipping his drink and passed me mine that he'd managed to grab off the counter while I was being interrogated "Are you guys like together, together?"

"Um... no?" We replied in unison

"Could I pretty please get a photo with you?" Tash asked batting her eyelashes at Alex. This is awkward. Reluctantly he said yes and posed for a few photos with her, in the last one she kissed him on the cheek and he went bright red. "Okay, Tash that's enough photos for today," I say through clenched teeth as Alex pulls away from her sending you a 'thank you' glance in my direction.

"Alex I-we loved you in 'School of Rock' it was soooo amazing, I wish teachers looked like you when we were at school, right Krys?" Natasha looked at me waiting for a reply, but I had no idea what to say. How did I not recognise him?! That was the first Broadway show Tash and I went to see together.

Oh god, I don't even know what to say, my cheeks were flushing almost as bright as Alex's were, I could tell he was uncomfortable because his entire stance changed. I take a fake glance at my watch "Oh I'm so sorry Tash, Alex and I have to see someone and our appointments in twenty minutes, sowe'regonnahavetocutthishortbyemuffinloveyou" I practically scream as Alex and I made a break for the door, "Oh okay then we'll catch up soon okay, bye Krystal, bye Alex" she cried out as the door slammed behind us.

We walked down the street about fifty metres or so, so we were out of view from anyone in the cafe "Oh my God, I'm so sorry a-about her, she goes overbo-" I stammered our before Alex interrupted me with "It's fine, I've dealt with it before" he chuckled, "Just out of curiosity though, would I be right in assuming you had no idea who I was when we first met? Because the look on your face when your friend started talking about 'School of Rock' kinda seemed like an 'Oh wait what'" he asked as he scanned my face. "Okay look I have a really bad memory, it's not my fault, but now that she's said something I can definitely see and hear it" I giggle, "Maybe I'll just have to be more memorable this time," he says as he looks up to meet my eyes. I felt my cheeks flush at the thought of everything that he could be insinuating, I don't know how but I somehow plucked up the courage answered him with "Mm I guess you will" and a gentle smile.

We walked for the next two hours and I didn't even know where we'd been or where we were going, until I realised that Alex had taken us in a loop and we were now back at the Winter Garden Theatre.

"Well thank you for today it was amazing, I really liked getting to know you. Hopefully, we'll be working together shortly" I said smiling

"Why of course! The pleasure was all mine. And we'll definitely be working together" He said as he hugged me. "You don't know that Alex," I said as I hailed a taxi "I'll see you at the first rehearsal next week, babes!" He yelled back as I got in the taxi, rolling my eyes I waved as the taxi drove off down the street. Once I got home and was about to go to bed I got a text from Natasha:

 Once I got home and was about to go to bed I got a text from Natasha:

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Does Tash like him? What am I supposed to do with that? She only likes him because of his career and status right? She didn't let him get a word in edgewise at Starbucks and it's only a one-way thing, right?

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Does Tash like him? What am I supposed to do with that? She only likes him because of his career and status right? She didn't let him get a word in edgewise at Starbucks and it's only a one-way thing, right?

Surely, I mean he looked uncomfortable as helllll, but was that just because I was there? Would their interaction have been different if I wasn't? STOP! You're panicking over nothing! Besides even if they were to get together it shouldn't bother me right? It's not like there's anything going on between us and he's a grown man, free to make his own choices.

I put my phone down and got into bed, pulling the sheets up to my chest, and as I closed my eyes all I could think about was a certain someone's laugh.

Hi all,
Thank you so much for reading!!!
If there's anything you have in mind that you want to happen please drop a comment because while I do have the direction for this story I'm more than happy to add bits in!

- Coco xx

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